International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 10

Critical review on Samprapti Ghataka and Management of Amlapitta

About Author

Apurva.P.Bakwad1 , Madan Kulkarni2

1MD Scholar Department of Kayachikitsa, Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital. Karnataka

2M.D.(Ayu) Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bedkihal –Karnataka

Date of Acceptance: 2021-10-27

Date of Publication:2021-11-22

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Apurva.P.Bakwad, MD Scholar Department of Kayachikitsa, Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital. Karnataka Mobile no: 75884 27565

Keywords: Amlapitta, Agnimandya, hyperacidity, gastritis.

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil


Today’s life style is completely changed by all the means our diet pattern, life styles and behavioral pattern is changed and it is not suitable for our normal physiology of digestion of body. People are becoming more stressful with worry, tension and anxiety causing so many psychological disorders which hampers the digestion and is causing hyperacidity, gastritis, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disorders and anorexia. All these pathological disorders covered under the broad umbrella of “Amlapitta” in Ayurveda. Gastric disorder is a common medical problem in India. The incidence of gastritis in India is approximately 3 in 869. Main causes for Amlapitta are improper diet, stress, not following Aahara vidhi Visheshayatana etc, Viruddha Aahara, Asatmya Aahara. Kashyap Samhita mentioned specific diet, dietic habits and lifestyle are responsible in the manifestation of Amlapitta. Acharya told to like the drugs which are having Titka, Madhura Ras, Madhura Vipaka, Sheeta Virya & Laghu Ruksha property with Kapha Pittahara action. Various ayurvedic drugs and formulations are used to relieve and cure Amlapitta