International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 01

Concept of Chakshusya Dravaya and its action on Chakshu (Eye)

About Author

Zaware V1 , Shiralkar V 2 , Jagtap P3

1MD scholar Department of shalakyatantra Dr.D.Y Patil Ayurved college and research centre. Pimpri , Pune, Maharashtra

2Professor, HOD Department of shalakyatantra Dr.D.Y Patil Ayurved college and research centre. Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra

3Professor, Department of shalakyatantra Dr.D.Y Patil Ayurved college and research centre. Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra

Date of Acceptance: 2022-01-18

Date of Publication:2022-02-10

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Vaidehi Zaware. MD scholar Department of shalakyatantra Dr.D.Y Patil Ayurved college and research centre. Pimpri , Pune, Maharashtra. Email id

Keywords: Chakshusya dravaya, Chakshu (Eye), Vision, Netra

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil


The human eye is one of the most important and highly differentiated end organs which is mainly responsible for sense of sight. In Ayurveda the Shalakya Tantra is an important branch dealing with the diseases situated above the clavicle related with the disorders of eye, Ear, Nose and upper etc. In Ayurveda Chakshushya Dravyas used as a rejuvenating medicine that nourishes the damaged and weakened retinal tissue. Numerous Chakshushya Dravyas are described in Ayurvedic literature. Chakshushya Dravya can be described in two ways. one is Chakshu-hitakara i.e. advantageous for eyes and other one Chakshu-rogahara i.e. used for Chikitsa of eye disorders. Chakshushya drugs possess the special affinity to visual apparatus resulting in vision promotion, helps in bringing homeostasis in the eye, rejuvenates the eye structurally and functionally and thus protecting the eye from easily getting aggrieved by any disease. These drugs are having  anti-inflammatory,  antioxidants, neuroprotective, healing, adaptability, and immunity enhancing properties.