International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 03


About Author

1Professor, department of Basic principles. SMVVS R K M Ayurveda medical college and hospital and PG Research Centre Vijaypur, Karnataka.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-03-15

Date of Publication:2022-04-23

Correspondence Address:

Dr Manisha G Deshpande Professor, department of Basic principles SMVVS R K M Ayurveda medical college and hospital and PG Research Centre. Vijaypur, Karnataka Email id: manishapotekar

Keywords: Agni, Jatharagni, Avastha paka, Phases of Digestion

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil


Agni, help to get nourishment to the body. It is very clear that any of the body cell cannot do anything without the help of Agni, this can be understood in the terms of digestion & metabolism processes at gross and cell level. Each cell of the body gets nourishment from digested food and utilizes it according to its own necessity.  therefore, a Vaidya should always take care of Agni as the Prashama or Prakopa of Dosha, datu and Mala are depended on the status of Agni. Jatharagni is the most important one as all other Agnis are depended upon Jatharagni. Avastha paka Different three phase of Digestion that takes place within the GIT i.e. stomach, small intestine & large intestine, each stage correspondingly producing Kapha, Pitta & Vata.