International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 12


About Author

Patil S1 , Deokate M.B2

1B.A.M.S. M.S. (Prasuti-Strirog) Mauli Hospital,Hadapsar, Pune.

2Professor & H.O.D. Prasutitantra Strirog Dept. R.T.Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Jatharpeth, Akola.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-11-29

Date of Publication:2022-12-30

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Deokate Manisha B. Professor & H.O.D. Prasutitantra Strirog Dept. R.T.Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Jatharpeth, Akola.

Keywords: Udavarta Yoni, Apanavayu, Vataprakopa, Rutuchakra, Niruha Basti,

Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Dysmenorrhoea is pain during menstruation. The severity is to such an extent that may interefere with their daily routine. Most female experience minor abdominal pain and low backache  few days preceding menstrutaion. It is more common in adolescents, about 75% adolescents suffer with dysmenorrhoea. Amongst which about 15-20% suffer with severe dysmenorrhoea, which hampers day-to-day activityof a female. In ayurveda it has been mentioned as UdavartaYonivyapada.  Here  vitiation of vata occurs, which causes pain during menstruation. Charakacharya has mentioned the prime cause of Yonivyapada is vatadoshdushti. The treatment advised  for regularizing vata is Snehan, Swedan, Basti. This is a single  blinded study conducted on 30 prediagnosed patients with dysmenorrhea (udavarta yonivyapada) of age group between 15 to 40 yrs., who were selected by random sampling method. Selected patients were administerd with Erandmoolniruha and Tila tailanuvasan alternatively for 8 days. The treatment given is seen highly effective for Katishool, Udarshool, Hrullas with P-Value <0.05.