International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 05

A review article on role of Sadvrutta (code of right conduct) in prevention of Manas Vyadhi (psychological illness).

About Author

Surve P.P.1 , Raut R.P.2

1Professor, Dept of Swasthvritta, SSVP Ayurved College and Research Centre, Hatta, Dist. Hingoli

2Associate Professor, Dept of Swasthvritta, SSVP Ayurved College and Research Centre, Hatta, Dist.Hingoli

Date of Acceptance: 2023-05-25

Date of Publication:2023-06-27

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Pratima Prabhakarrao Surve Professor, Department Swasthvruta, SSVP Ayurved College and Research Centre,Hatta, Hatta, Dist.Hingoli Email:, Mobile number: 9890912661

Keywords: Sadvrutta, code of right conduct, manas vyadhi, psychological illness.

Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Nowadays, knowledge is gained on many fronts than in all the earliest centuries, but at a price. We are better fed, clothed, housed and protected from disease yet we are seemingly more restless and unhappy than ever before. In the rat race, pressures, deadlines, soaring highs and abysmal lows have become part of our lives. We desire new things and seldom content with what we have, which is mentioned as a cause of manas vyadhi (psychological illness) in Ayurveda. Sadvrutta (code of right conduct) has quoted by all the classical texts of Ayurveda. It promotes satva guna over raja and tama that cause diversion of mind from unwanted causative factors leading to prevention of manas vyadhi (psychological illness). The prevalence of psychological illness is increasing day by day. So, it is important to incorporate code of good conduct in daily lifestyle to prevent occurrence of psychological illness. So, the present article focusses on to study the role of sadvrutta (code of right conduct) in prevention of manas vyadhi (psychological illness).