International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2020 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 2

Comparative Clinical Study of Guduchyadi Yoga and Triphala Churna in the Management of Sthaulya with special reference to Obesity

About Author

Sheshrao Bhaurao Meshram1 , Bhairavi Nimbarte2

1M.S. Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Institute Gondia. 2. Asso.Professor & HOD, Dept. Kayachikitsa

2Asso.Professor & HOD, Dept. Kayachikitsa M.S. Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Institute Gondia.

Date of Acceptance: 2020-05-28

Date of Publication:2020-06-04

Correspondence Address:

Corresponding Author: Dr.Sheshrao Bhaurao Meshram M.S.Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Gondia, Maharashtra Email –

Keywords: Guduchyadi Yoga Sthoulya, Nidradhikya,Triphala churna

Source of Support: NIL

Conflict of Interest: NIL


Background: Medoroga or sthaulya is a major lifestyle disorder whose prevalence has increased drastically over a past few decades. According to Acharya Charaka Sthaulya has been classified under "Ashta Nindit Purusha. Sthaulya (obesity) is a non-communicable disease, which provides the platform for so many hazards like Hypertension, Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Osteoarthritis, infertility, Impotency as well as psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, depression. Objective: To study the effect of Guduchyadi Yoga in Sthaulya w.s.r. Obesity, to study the effect of Triphala churna in Sthaulya w.s.r. Obesity and to compare the effectiveness of Guduchyadi Yoga and Triphala churna. Methodology: In this study total 60 patients of Sthoulya taken for the study. Experimental group treated with Guduchyadi Yoga 3 gm thrice a day along with koshna jala and Control group treated with Triphala churna along with Koshna jala. Results & Conclusion:   Guduchyadi Yoga and Triphala churna are found both equally effective in subjective parameters like Karya –anutsaha Daurbalya, Swedadhikya, Kshudrashvasa, Daurgandhya, Kshudhadhikya, Nidradhikya of Obesity. Mean reduction of weight in experimental group was 2.50 kg and in Control group in control group it was 1.79 kg however it is not significant statistically.