International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2024 |Volume: 5 | Issue: 03


About Author

Darshana1 , Sharma Aarti 2

1M.D, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Kayachikitsa, DBACH, Mgg, PB.

2M.D Scholar, Kayachikitsa, DBACH, Mgg, PB.

Date of Acceptance: 2024-04-23

Date of Publication:2024-04-30

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Darshana M.D, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Kayachikitsa, DBACH, Mgg, PB. Contact number: - 9478379737 Email id: -

Keywords: Agnimandhya, Aam, Deepana, Pachana, Pathya-apathya.

Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: Nill


Ayurveda is a holistic science that works on disease management as well as prevention. In present century of modernization, most of diseases emerge either due to improper or unhealthy diet, mental stress, improper sleep, and disturbed lifestyle. All the above said reasons of modern era leads to Ajira. It is one of the most common diseases. Basically, it originates from digestive insufficiency (Agni). Agni is considered as Vaishwanar, Ishvara- Supreme- himself. All diseases occur due to derangement of Agni. It helps in proper digestion of food and proper metabolism leading to healthy growth of body. Ajeerna is due to disturbed digestive fire which leads to state of incomplete process of digestion. This undigested food leads to production of Aama.  This Aama is toxic in nature and circulates over the body via minute channels or Strotas. This toxic Aama combines with Dosha or different Dushyas causing startup or pathogenesis of different diseases. Main cause of Ajeerna is Agnimandya. If person follows proper seasonal, dietary regimes, Dincharya and Sadvrita mentioned in details in Ayurveda, this Ajirna can be prevented.