ISSN: 0000-0000
Margaj P.N.,1 , Kulkarni N. 2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita Evum Siddhanta, Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College, Satara, Maharashtra, 415015. Email
2HOD & Professor, Department of Samhita Evum Siddhanta, Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra 411028. Email
Date of Acceptance: 2023-04-03
Date of Publication:2024-04-04
Correspondence Address:
Keywords: Purisha, Mala, feces
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
In Ayurveda, the phrase “Dosha Dhatu Mala Mulam hi Shariram” signifies that the body is sustained by the balance of three fundamental components: Doshas (biological energies), Dhatus (tissues), and Malas (waste products). The proper formation and elimination of Mala is essential for maintaining overall health. In Ayurveda, adequate stool formation is considered a vital indicator of healthy bodily functions and balanced digestion. Vagbhata specifically mentioned that evacuating stools early in the morning helps in clearing the body's toxins and balances the doshas, particularly Vata. This routine, along with waking up early, is a part of Dinacharya (daily regimen) in Ayurveda, aimed at promoting long-term health by aligning the body with nature's rhythms. Understanding Purisha Mala is crucial for maintaining overall health according to Ayurvedic principles. The study primarily focuses on the classical references to Purisha Mala as described in Ayurvedic texts.