ISSN: 0000-0000
Kalangutkar D., 1 , Wagh S. 2
1Ph.D. Scholar, P.G. Department of Kayachikitsa, Yashwant Ayurvedic College Ph.D. Center Kodoli.
2Professor and HOD P.G. Department of Kayachikitsa, Yashwant Ayurvedic College Ph.D. Center Kodoli.
Date of Acceptance: 2024-10-30
Date of Publication:2024-11-15
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Keywords: Panchbhautika, Mahabhoota, prameha, Madhumeha.
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Intrduction:The five elements of Panchbhautika are: Prithvi – Matter, Aap – Water, Tej – Fire, Vayu – Air, Akash – Space. The equilibrium of these five elements in the body denotes health while their imbalance or disturbance denotes disease. Panchabhautik chikitsa is a branch of Ayurveda which bases the analysis and treatment based upon this principle. Ayurvedic remedies for most deadly disorder Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) are the oldest among all the available therapies, which includes in the Prameha category. jala and prithvi mahabhoota gets vitiated in Prameha so to normalizes the parthiva dravyas the teja, vayu and aakash mahabhoota dominated dravyas are used for chikitsa. Aim & objectives- 1. To understand the basic concept of Panchamahabhuta Siddanta to its full perspective. 2. To understand this concept and utilize it thoroughly in the management of Prameha and Madhumeha in clinical practice. Material & Methods- In this study the review of Ayurveda literatures encompassed from Brihatrayi and Laghutrayi on Prameha and relative sources were compiled. Observations- Main goal in treatment of Premeha is digestion of immature kapha and drying up of body elements. panchbhautiktva and doshghnata of Laxminarayan rasa, Chandraprabhavati, Vasantkusumakar rasa, Phalatrikadi, Arogyavardhini, Shwadanshtradi gu has been explained. Result-Panchbhautic chikitsa plays important role in management of Prameha and Madhumeha. Conclusion- Various drugs which are dominant in Teja, Vayu and Aakash Mahabhutas should be used to remove covering effect of Prithvi and Aap mahabhuta on digestive fire. Santarpanottha madhumeha -jala and prithvi mahabhoota gets vitiated so to normalizes the parthivadravyas the teja, vayu and akasha mahabhoota dominated dravyas are used for chikitsa. Apatarpanotthamadhumeha- Tej Vayu and Aakash Mahabhoota get vitiated so to normalizes tejadi dravyaa the prithavi, aap mahabhuta dominated dravyas are used in chikitsa.