ISSN: 0000-0000
Patki G., 1 , Kalangutkar D.2
1Ph.D. (sch) HOD. Professor, Stri Roga and Prasutitantra department, GAM & RC, Shiroda, Goa.
2Ph.D. (sch) Asst prof. Kayachikitsata department, BSAM ayurved college Sawantwadi.
Date of Acceptance: 2024-12-27
Date of Publication:2025-01-10
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Keywords: Genital Infections, ASCUS, Local Treatments - yonidhavan, ksharkarma
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
In today’s population incidences of gynecological problems are increasing. In India, it is reported that the prevalence of genital infection is 50.07%. Conditions like leucorrhoea, itching, and burning in the genitals are embarrassing and uncomfortable too. Leucorrhoea stands for excessive vaginal white discharge. It may lead to itching and burning in a later phase. Underlying causes may vary from vaginitis, cervicitis, and vaginosis of different origins.Vaginal shopha due to ASCUS means atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; a sort of threatful and annoying condition. It is claimed due to sexual infections, may turn into malignancies. In Ayurveda, it is correlated with kapha dominating dushti at yoni.Local treatments like yonidhavana (yonishodhana) and ksharkarma along with pathyaahara show very good results. Procedures are non-invasive, cheaper, acceptable, and promising treatment. A female patient of 43 years old, with complaints of yonigatasrava,kandu along with PAP report with ASCUS reported to Streeroga OPD.After evaluation, she was diagnosed as kaphajpittajyoni . Along with routine treatment she was treated with Yonidhavan and ksharkarm. The patient was followed for successive 4 years with PAP smear reports after every six months. The treatment proved promising for symptomatic as well as for histological parameters.