ISSN: 0000-0000
Durge A.B.,1 , Durge V.A. 2
1Associate Professor, Sharirkriya Department, Ashvin Rural Ayurveda College, Manchi Hill, Sangamner, Dist A.Nagar.
2Final year student of MD sharirkriya, Dr D Y Patil Ayurveda College, Pimpari Chinchwad, Pune.
Date of Acceptance: 2025-01-22
Date of Publication:2025-02-26
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Keywords: Masurika, Chikenpox, Varicella zoster, Ayurveda, Sansargaj vyadhi.
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox, causes a red rash that is blisters and then crusts over. It spreads rapidly. Direct or indirect contact with another person, the infection is spread. Despite the fact that it is typically a benign and self-limiting; serious consequences could be brought on by the varicella zoster virus. By immunizing the child, modern management provides chicken pox prevention. However, some of them get the sickness after vaccination, and when the disease manifests, they can only provide symptomatic relief. A 14 years old (male) patient visited to OPD with complaints of high-grade fever (1020 F) for two days followed by reddish rash all over face, abdomen and back with burning sensation and itching; swelling on the face; constipation and anorexia. The patient's symptoms were correlated with, Masurika according to Ayurveda. The clinical manifestation of Masurika is comparable to chicken pox. The many red coloured boils that develop throughout the sickness and ultimately burst to leave the body covered in scabs are referred to as Masurika, which is derived from the word Masoor (red lentil). According to Acharya, Masurika (Kshudrarog) is "Upasansargaj" Vyadhi. Masurika vyadhi Chikitsasutra was told as per Kushta and Visarpa. The symptoms of patient were due to predominantly Pittadosha vitiation along with rasa and Rakta dhatudushti. The patient was treated with Pittashaman, Raktaprasadan and Mrudu Virechan chikitsa. The burning sensation (7 to 0) and itching (7 to 1) were assisted by numeric rating scale (NRS). Within 10 days complete cured achieved without any complication.