International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2020 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 3

A review of mercury and its toxicity and safety regarding Agadtantra

About Author

Lanjekar Sadaf1 , Patil Vaishali V2

1Assistant Professor – Agadtantra Dept. KJIAR, Savali, Vadodara, Gujarat

2Associate Professor – Agadtantra Dept. KJIAR, Savali, Vadodara, Gujarat

Date of Acceptance: 2020-06-18

Date of Publication:2020-07-03

Correspondence Address:

Assistant Professor – Agadtantra Dept. KJIAR, Savali, Vadodara, Gujarat Email id -

Keywords: Parada, Parada Toxicity & Safety, Management, Medico legal aspect

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil


In Ayurveda many herbal products were extensively used in classic age in all branches of Ayurveda. Metals and mineral preparation also used but they have toxicity. In India, there are many metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, etc, used in various diseases. Parada is also one of them Parada is liquid, silvery metal which dissolved other metal and in Shuddha form it is used in many herbo-mineral preparation. Bhasma is also used as a medicine but in Ashodit form it causeses toxicity as maintained in Rasagranths.

Shuddh form prepares Rasayogs and Ashodhit form causes toxicity. This article complies all information regarding Parada, appearance, historical view, fatal dose, fatal period, sign, symptoms of its toxicity, management, post-martom appearance, medico-legal aspects regarding Agadtantra.