Correspondence Address:
Dr.Vajreshwari Varanasi Siddramappa Danigond memorable trust's Ayurvedic medical college, Terdall, India Mobile no.: 89516 80795
Date of Acceptance: 2021-07-21
Date of Publication:2021-08-07
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None Declared
How To Cite This Article: Vajreshwari V, Gurulingappa Ankad, Satish V. Comparative Study to Evaluate the Effect of Sahacharaadi Taila Kati Basti and Gokshuraadi Taila Kati Basti in The Management of Vataja Gridhrasi with special reference to Sciatica. Int. J Ind. Med. 2021;2(7):1-11
Sciatica is the most seen neurological disorder now a days. Its more common in males than females. Objectives: To evaluate the role of Sahacharaaditaila and Gokshuraaditaila Katibasti in Vataja Gridhrasi patients. Methods: In this study, total 50 patients were taken for the trial, out of which ten patients were withdrawn. In Group A patients were advised for Kati basti is done with Sahacharaadi taila in Group B patients were advised Gokshuraadi taila Katibasti for 7days . Results & Conclusion: It is concluded that there is highly significant difference in the symptoms of Ghrudhrasi like Ruka,Toda, Sthambana, Spandana and Walking distance with intervention of Sahacharadi Tail KatibastiHowever, after comparison in both groups, we can conclude that in the symptoms i.e., Ruka,Toda, Sthambana, Spandana and Walking distance and in Parameter Straight Leg Rising Test, both tailkatibasti have found equally effective statistically.
Keywords: Ruka,Toda, Sthambana, Spandana, Sahacharaadi taila, Gokshuraadi taila