Ph.D.(Sch), PGDCR,EMBA (Healthcare & Clinical Research)
D.Y.Patil School of Ayurveda,Nerul, Navi Mumbai. Member - Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine (MCIM).
M.D. Ph.D.(Ayu), Chairman, Scientific Body, Pharmacopeia Commission of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (PCIM & H), Govt of India (New Dehli), Advisor to Minister of AYUSH, Govt of India.
M.D., (Ayurvedic Medicine ),M.D. (Ayurvedic Physiology )
Emeritus Professor and Head of Department of Sharirkriya
College of Ayurveda and Research Centre, Akurdi, Pune,India.
M.D.(Ayu), MRAV(Delhi),
Member – Board of Studies Clinical Board(Kayachikitsa), MUHS,Nashik.
Professor and Head, Department of Panchakarma.
BhausahebMulak Ayurved College & Research Hospital,
Nagpur, Maharashtra.
MBBS, D-Ortho, MHA, MPH, Ph. D. (Reg),
Medical Officer of PAH Solapur University.
Academic Coordinator of School of Allied Health Sciences,
Solapur University.
M.D.(Ayurved Samhita), Ph.D (Ayurved Samhita), Vice Principal, Ashtang Ayurved College & Hospital, Pune. Board of Studies Member, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik.
M.D. Ph.D. (Ras shastra Bhaishyajyakalpna),
Asso. Prof. Department of Rasashastra,
Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved Medical College Hospital, Wardha, Maharashtra