Airi K. 1
1Lecturer, Department of Roga Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan, Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Patiala, Punjab.
Dhanorkar R.N.,1 , Sahu P.,2 , Waghaye L. 3
1Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Somayya Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bhadrawati.
2Principal & Professor, Dept of Samhita Sidhhant, Somayya Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bhadrawati.
3HOD & Associate Professor, Department of Sharir Kriya, Somayya Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bhadrawati.
Durge A.B.,1 , Durge V.A. 2
1Associate Professor, Sharirkriya Department, Ashvin Rural Ayurveda College, Manchi Hill, Sangamner, Dist A.Nagar.
2Final year student of MD sharirkriya, Dr D Y Patil Ayurveda College, Pimpari Chinchwad, Pune.
Singh B. 1
1Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra, Government Ayurveda PG College and Hospital, Varanasi, India.
Eshita, 1 , Manas,2 , Mehra R 3
1MBBS Final student and Co-Founder, Eshimani Foundation
2B.Tech Final, CEO, Eshimani Foundation
3Professor and Head of Department, GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Hapur.