Correspondence Address:
Dr. Abhay Kadu Professor & HOD Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishayjya Kalpana. Jupiter Ayurvedic College, Nagpur – 441 108 E-mail – (Mobile no. 9850408980)
Date of Acceptance: 2021-06-25
Date of Publication:2021-07-07
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None Declared
How To Cite This Article: Kadu A, Rewatkar M. To Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of “Agnikarma” in the Management of Avabahuka (Frozen Shoulder).Int. J Ind. Med. 2021;2(6):24-29
Avabhuka is a shoolpradhan Nanatmajvata Vyadhi. It is one of the Eighty types of Vata Vyadhi described in Ayurvedic Text. The main symptom of the diseases is pain in shoulder region with rigidity. Radiating pain travels from neck, shoulder, upperarm, elbow and towards forearm. The symptom of Avabhuka is closely resembles with the clinical features of frozen shoulder where the suprascapular nerve and axillary nerve of one or both the arm are involved. Frozen shoulder is one of the major causes of illness in the working populations in a developing country. Agnikarma with panchdhatu shalaka (Alloy metal rod) shows very promising result. By washing the site by Trifala Kadha and when given till samayak dagdha lakshan appears and sounds with foul smell. A mixture of Yastimadhu Ghrut with honey is applied over the site. Sterile bandage is applied to avoid outside exposure and moisture. This procedure is done once in a week for three weeks in a sample size of (N=30) and regular follow up was taken. Result obtained were revealed that there is statistically significant improvement in the symptoms of Avabhuka. Agnikarma was well tolerated, comfortable, economical for the patients. There were no side effects noticed and can be done on OPD basis. Therefore, this procedure gives new approach in the clinical management of frozen shoulder.
Keywords: Vatavyadhi, Avabahuka, Frozen Shoulder, Agnikarma, Dagdha