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Original Article

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 10 |Pages: 7-17

A comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of Pathadi Churna and Balchaturbhadra Yoga in the management of Atisara w.s.r. to ‘Bacterial Diarrhoea.

About Author

Mane HD1

1MD (Scholor) SDM Trust Ayurvedic Medical College, Post graduation Centre and Padma Hospital, Terdal.

Correspondence Address:

Dr Harshad Dattatray Mane SDM Trust Ayurvedic Medical College, Post Graduation Centre and Padma Hospital, Terdal. Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2021-11-22

Date of Publication:2021-10-29


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Mane HD. A comparative clinical study to evaluate the effect of Pathadi Churna and Balchaturbhadra Yoga in the management of Atisara w.s.r. to ‘Bacterial Diarrhoea.’. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(10):7-17


Balatisara meaning atisara in bala or childhood diarrhoea. It is observed that Patients of Bala Atisara mainly took shita jala pana, atiruksha, Atiguru, matra guru, samskar virudha ahara etc, also these Nidhan parivarjan is done & in some patients poorvarupa is observed like udarshul, daurbalya, trishna. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy Pathadi Churna  and Balchaturbhadra  and evaluate tits efficacy in the treatment of Balatisara. Methodology: It is Randomized Open label, clinical study conducted among 40 patients diagnosed as Balatisara (Diarrhoea) selected randomly from OPD or IPD of the hospital. The drug Pathadi Churna given for Group-A and  Balchaturbhadra Yoga given to group B for 7 days. Results & Conclusion : In this it  was found that both the drugs act against frequency of defecation and Balchaturbhadra Yoga drug is more effective  than Pathadi Churna. 

Keywords: Balatisara, Balchaturbhadra, Pathadi Churna, bala, Dosha




Issue: 10

Volume: 2 (2021): Month - 11

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