Correspondence Address:
Dr Sindhu Umesh Assistant Professor, Dept. of Prasooti Tantra evam StreeRoga, S.D.M.I.A.H., Bangalore. Email:
Date of Acceptance: 2021-11-23
Date of Publication:2021-12-07
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
How To Cite This Article: Sindhu Umesh, V Asokan,Pushkala B, Swamy P S. Analysis on Mode of action of Garbhasrava Chikitsa. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(11):15-19
In present Era , due to the stressful lifestyle and dual responsibilities of a woman, the incidences of infertility and abortions have reached the zenith rendering the couple childless. According to the survey conducted by Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction in 2018,Infertility affects about 10 to 14% of Indian population, approximately 15% of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies result in spontaneous loss. There is detailed explanation of Garbhasraava and its chikitsa by acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata. Garbhasraavi is one among Shat prakaara Vandhya according to Harita Acharya. The present study deals with the analysis of mode of action of Garbhasthapaka dravya used to treat garbhasrava. Ayurvedic approach to the treatment of abortion is unique and involves various Modalities with both the AntahParimarjana and Bahirparimarjana making the approach exclusive.
Keywords: Infertility, Abortion, Garbhasrava, GarbhasthapakaDravya, Mode of Action