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Review Article

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 12 |Pages: 1-5

Importance of Bhramari Pranayama in Nidranash(Insomnia)- A review article

About Author

Bansod N1 , Chopkar S2 , Waghmare R.3

1PG Scholar, Department of Swasthvritta ,Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amravati.

2HOD & Professor, Department of Swasthvritta , Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amravati.

3HOD & Associate Professor , Department of Rognidan and vikriti vigyan , Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amravati.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Namrata Bansod Department of Swasthvritta , Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amravati. 36B Vishwaprabha colony ,rahatgaon road Amravati Email: Mob.No. 9922355535

Date of Acceptance: 2021-12-15

Date of Publication:2022-01-12


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Bansod N., Chopkar S, Waghmare R. Importance of Bhramari Pranayama in Nidranash(Insomnia)- A review article. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(12):1-5


A Ahara(food),Nidra(sleep), Bramhacharya(abstinence) are described to be Trayopstambhas (three supportive pillars) hence sleep is one of essential factor to lead a healthy life. Due to loss of sleep person suffers many problems related with health. In  modern era insomnia may be symptom of stressful lifestyle, depressive illness, anxiety disorder, any psychiatric conditions or any other pathological conditions. The management of  Nidranash explained in the different contexts by various Acharya can be described in detail. Diet modification(milk, ikshu ras, madya, dadhi), various therapeutic procedures(snehan,abhyang,samvahan,padabhyang,shirobasti,shirodhara,nasya),yoga and meditation therapy (anulomaviloma, kapalbhati, Bhramari, shirsasan). Among types of Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama is instantly effective in calming down the mind and helpful in Insomnia.

Keywords: Ayurveda , Pranayama, Bhramari, Nidranash




Issue: 12

Volume: 2 (2021): Month - 1

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