Correspondence Address:
Dr Manisha G Deshpande Professor, department of Basic principles SMVVS R K M Ayurveda medical college and hospital and PG Research Centre. Vijaypur, Karnataka Email id: manishapotekar
Date of Acceptance: 2021-12-23
Date of Publication:2022-01-20
Source of Support: nil
Conflict of Interest: nil
How To Cite This Article: : Deshpande MG, Keval S. Critical review on effect of Langhana Upakrama on sthaulya. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(12):30-35
Six important treatment modalities are described in charaka samhita which are based on the specific action to be achieved by usage of drugs/ procedures which has the specific qualities. Among the six, Langhana upakrama is one which is advocated when ‘Laghuta‘Indications as per subtypes of Langhanais to be achieved in the body. Langhana is defined as the means for achieving Laghavata (lightness) in the body. Charaka samhita classifies langhana upakrama into ten types which include Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana, Nasya, Pipasanigraha, Atapa sevana, Maruta sevana, Pachana, Upavasa and Vyayama. In lifestyle disorders obesity has reached pandemic proportions globally. Sthoulya is a Santarpana janya vyadhi which is caused due to a multitude of etiological factors which include dietary and behavioral factors. Langhana upakrama is an effective management strategy in Sthoulya. The ten sub types of Langhana Upakrama are nothing but various Dietary and Behavioral modifications along with pharmacotherapy to promote weight loss and maintain an appropriate BMI
Keywords: Sthoulya, Langhana Upakrama, Apatarpana.