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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 02 |Pages: 21-27

Sacrament of Medical Importance: A Detailed Review

About Author

Karambhe A1 , Dhandge G2 , Mahakal N3 , Jadhav S4 , Hadole S5

11. Assistant Professor, Dept of Kaumarbhrutya, B.M.A.M. Nandanwan, Nagpur.

22. Assistant Professor, Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurved Medical College & Research Institute.

33. Assistant Professor, Dept of RSBK, Shri Gurudeo Ayurved College, Gurukunj Ashram, Amravati.

44. Associate Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna BMAC& RH, Butibori, Nagpur

55. Assistant Professor, Dept of Dravyaguna JAMC, Shankarpur, Nagpur

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Jadhav Shubhangi Associate Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna, BMAC& RH, Butibori, Nagpur. Mob: 8275233847, Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2022-02-23

Date of Publication:2022-03-08


Source of Support:

Conflict of Interest:

How To Cite This Article: Karambhe A, Dhandge G, Mahakal N, Jadhav S, Hadole S. Sacrament of Medical Importance: A Detailed Review. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(2):21-27


Early age of a human being especially infancy and childhood are the periods when there occurs the rapid physical growth, cognitive and emotional development. Therefore, this period is a very crucial period of a human life.  There are some ways by using which all these developments can be enhanced up to certain levels. Samskars are thought to improve the healthy progeny's intellect, to achieve optimum mental, physical, social and spiritual growth and development, minimize the Garbhopghatakar bhav (teratological disorders) etc. Therefore, it is very important to study the Samskars in detail. For this study, all the available information regarding Shodash Samskars has been searched from classical texts, syllabus books, online journals, authorized websites etc. The information collected was thoroughly reviewed, discussed and conclusions were drawn. This study was conducted to revalidate the importance of Samskars in human life especially the infancy. In all the classical texts the no. of Samskars found were almost same i.e. 16, though name of some Samskars were found different. Out of 16, sacraments of medical importance were mainly found to be 7. Their names and medical importance are discussed in the above study in details.

Keywords: Samskar, Sacrament, Jatkarma, Nishkraman Samskar, Namkaran Samskar, Shodash Samskar.




Issue: 02

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 03

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