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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 50-57

Critical review of Rakta Kshaya and its Symptomology.

About Author

Teli N1 , Jadhav U2

1MD Scholar Dept. Kriya Sharir Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra

2Asso. Professor, Dept. Kriya Sharir Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra

Correspondence Address:

Dr Neha Teli. MD Scholar Dept. Kriya Sharir Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra Email:

Date of Acceptance: 2022-04-12

Date of Publication:2022-05-20


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Teli N, Jadhav U., Critical review of Rakta Kshaya and its Symptomology. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(3):50-57


Rakta Dhatu is base of living body; it maintains life, so one should knows the importance of Rakta Dhatu by proper diet that gives nutrition to Rakta. There will be no existence of the body without Kapha, Pitta, Vata and even Rakta as per susruta. He described that Rakta Dhatu is extremely important for sustenance of life. It is therefore needed to protect this Dhatu by every possible measure. As Vata-Pitta-Kapha are responsible for the creation of living body, fourth entity named Rakta is also responsible for the existence, support and maintenance of body. He told that Rakta itself is life. Malnutrition and improper diet cause decrease in Rakta Dhatu. Rakta Kshaya produces roughness of skin, craving or desire for sour and cold things, looseness of the veins (emptiness of blood vessels) and Vata prakopa.

Keywords: Rakta, Shonita, Rakta Kshaya




Issue: 04

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 05

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