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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 04 |Pages: 58-64

Role of Virechana Karma in Vataja, Pittaj and Kaphaja Pandu (Anemia)

About Author

Gupta A1 , Kaur T2

1MD Kayachiktsa, Associate professor, Department Bal roga, Saraswati ayurvedic College and hospital Gharuan, Punjab.

2MD Kayachiktsa, Associate professor in Department Bal roga Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College and hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh. Panjab

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Anu Gupta, MD Kayachiktsa, associate professor, Department Bal roga, Saraswati ayurvedic College and hospital Gharuan, Punjab. Email id:

Date of Acceptance: 2022-04-12

Date of Publication:2022-05-20


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Anu Gupta Tarneet kaur. Role of Virechana Karma in Vataja, Pittaj and Kaphaja Pandu (Anemia). Int J Ind Med 2022;3(3):58-64


The Shodhana has got no parlance in the modern medicine, but we can say that the toxins and metabolic toxic products responsible for the disease are eliminated from the body. The patient suffering from Pandu Roga should be given emetic and purgative drugs for the shodhana of the body by the elimination of Doshas. Acharya Charaka has mentioned For Vatika Type of Pandu , the therapy should be dominated by Sneha Dravya, for Paittika Pandu, it should be dominated by bitter and cooling drugs,for Kaphaja type of Pandu , the therapy should be dominated by Katu, Ruksha and Ushna drugs & for Sannipatika Type of Pandu , all the above mentioned ingredients should be combined. Virchana targeted to expel increased Pitta Dosha out of the body i.e. Srotoshodhana. As we know that Rakta is said to be Pitta Sadharmi so it will pacify vitiated Pitta as well as vitiated Rakta. Virechana also acts on specific Doshik dominant Pandu as it has Tridosha Shodak Property

Keywords: Vataja pandu, Pittaja pandu, Kaphaja pandu, Virechana Karma, Anemia




Issue: 04

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 05

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