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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 05 |Pages: 26-31

Evaluation of the efficacy of Dhathakyadi Kwatha in Asrigdara w. s. r. to Menorrhagia

About Author

Bhagwan B. Karale1 , Aartiben Rajput2

1Associate Professor, Prasuti tantra & Stri roga Dept, B.R. Harane, Ayurvedic Medical College, Vangani, Dist – Thane, Maharashtra

2Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri, Karnataka. 574227

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Bhagwan Karale M.S. (Striroga and Prasuti) Associate Professor, Prasuti tantra & Stri roga Dept, B.R. Harane, Ayurvedic Medical College, Vangani, Dist – Thane, Maharashtra

Date of Acceptance: 2022-05-10

Date of Publication:2022-06-15


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil

How To Cite This Article: Bhagwan Karale, Aartiben Rajput. Evaluation of the efficacy of Dhathakyadi Kwatha in Asrigdara w. s. r. to Menorrhagia. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(4):26-31


Menorrhagia is a most common gynecological problem found in Prasuti tantra department. It is not a disease but it is symptom found in many gynecological disorders. Menorrhagia is characterized by the excessive bleeding per vaginum in amount and duration both. In Ayurvedic classics, Menorrhagia is termed as Asrigdara, means excessive discharge of blood per vaginum. Backache, pain in lower abdomen and weakness are also present in this disease. All the gynecological disorders come under the heading of Yonivyapad in Ayurvedic classics. Most of the Yonivyapad have characteristic features of menorrhagia such as Raktayoni, Rudhirkashara, Putraghni, Apraja etc. Among Ashta-artavadushti, Raktaja artava-dushti menorrhagia is also found as prominent symptom. Since, Asrigdar is mainly due to vitiation of Vata and Pitta dosha hence, the treatment should be based on the use of drugs which are having predominance of Kashaya rasa and Pitta –shamak properties. Therefore, treatment mainly based on concept of Raktastambhaka as well as Raktavardhaka. Dhathakyadi Kwatha” is mentioned in Pradara Roga Chikitsa Adhyaya by Aacharya Yogratnakara. Hence, for present study “Dhathakyadi Kwatha” is selected for evaluation of efficacy in the context of time bonding curative treatment for Asrigdara.

Keywords: Dhathakyadi Kwatha, Asrigdara, Menorrhagia




Issue: 05

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 06

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