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Review Article

Year: 2022 |Volume: 3 | Issue: 12 |Pages: 13-18

A Review study on role of Kunkum w.s.r. to Pregnancy

About Author

Karande L.A.1 , Sheikh S.2 , Gupta M.S.3

1Associate Professor, Kriyasharir Dept. BMAC & RH Butibori, Nagpur.

2Assistant Professor, Kriyasharir Dept. BMAC & RH Butibori, Nagpur.

3Professor & HOD, Kriyasharir Dept. BMAC & RH Butibori, Nagpur.

Correspondence Address:

Dr Lina A. Karande Associate Professor, Kriyasharir Dept. BMAC & RH Butibori, Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-12-03

Date of Publication:2022-12-30


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Karande L.A., Sheikh S., Gupta M.S. A Review study on role of Kunkum w.s.r. to Pregnancy. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(12):13-18


Introduction: Pregnancy is the most energetic and challenging phase in a women’s life. It brings about emotional & physiological changes as well as poses extra demands on the body. The diet during pregnancy has to be rich in calories, proteins, vitamins, minerals & balanced. Not only extra but also special nutritious diet & herbs are required to produce a healthy progeny. Kunkum (saffron) is one of the herb which is commonly used in pregnancy for good complexion. Along with this property Kunkum (saffron) has more uses in pregnancy is to study & discuss in this present study.   Method: All the Ayurvedic & modern literature & contemporary texts including websites reviewed. Discussion: From the basic concept, scientific review & all findings in literature, observation & discussion done. Result: On the basis of discussion result is drawn.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Kunkum, healthy progeny.




Issue: 12

Volume: 3 (2022): Month - 12

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