Correspondence Address:
Vd. Asmita K. Kardile (P.G Scholar) Department of Stree-Roga and Prasuti-Tantra, Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner. Email: Contact No. 7720046622
Date of Acceptance: 2023-08-08
Date of Publication:2023-09-11
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Kardile A. An Ayurvedic Review on Udavartini Yoni-Vyapad. Int J Ind Med 2023;4(8):01-06 DOI:
Reproduction is one of the noblest and should be the most groveling of all human powers. Menstruation is differentiating factor in women’s life from men. Stree-Rogas generally concerned with patho-physiology related to organs in Shroni and Stana. In case of female these parts are related to important milestones in women’s life i.e., menarche, menstrual cycle, conception, delivery, lactations, menopause, etc. The problem related to menstruation affects the health of women causing various disorders disturbing women’s day to day life activities. Rajpravrutti is regulated by Vata (Apana Vayu) hence it plays a key role in Dharan and Nishkraman of Raja. Yoni of women does not get affected without Vata. Dysmenorrhoea (Udavarta Yonivyapad) is characterized by severe pelvic pain occurring before or during the menstruation. The sign & symptoms of Udavarta Yonivyapada resembles with Primary Dysmenorrhoea. Primary dysmenorrhoea has no organic cause, starts usually during teenage years which cause significant discomfort and anxiety. An overall 75% of women develop primary dysmenorrhoea of them 15% may have severe symptoms. Secondary dysmenorrhoea usually arises in later reproductive age & usually is the result of pelvic pathology. The etiological mechanisms of the disease include a subtle imbalance of estrogen and progesterone and hormonal therapy is used for this imbalance which is not a permanent cure and on long term even may cause any side effects. Even though Dysmenorrhoea is not a serious ailment but it interrupts patient's personal, economic and social life and also it may lead into many complications. So, its promising treatment without any side effects is needed in the present scenario.
Keywords: Udavartini, Yonivyapad, Vata Dosha, Dysmenorrhea.