Correspondence Address:
Dr Priyanka Navale M.S. Scholar, Stree Roga- Prasuti Tantra, Siddhakala Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner
Date of Acceptance: 2024-04-08
Date of Publication:2024-04-30
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: Nill
How To Cite This Article: Navale P, Bhujbal V, Saraf R. Role of Panchakola Churna in Sutika Makkala Shoola:A Review Article. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(1):14-18 DOI:
The caring of women is prior responsibility of society.Especially when woman creat a new generation. Ayurveda not only emphasized for extra care of a pregnant woman at this time but also advised medical treatment of Sutik Jwara, Makkalla Shoola, Yonibhramsha, Yonikshata etc1. Sutika makkalla, post delivery complication frequently occurring in woman, is associated with the accumulation of the the blood in the uterus due to aggrevattion of vata dosha. Breast feeding can bring on these cramps more intense because the sucking act itself triggers the oxytocin hormone to cause contraction which leads to severe pain. Makkala explained in ayurveda classics has a symptoms of Shoola in Nabhi, Basti, Shiras, Kostha.If left untreated it undergoes Paka and produces Rakta Vidhradhi2. Ayurveda having unique treatment approach on makkala shoola.The main aim of treating sutika makkala is to perform vata shamana and garbh( hashaya shodhana to expel out avarudhha rakta) . The oral medications include various forms of medicines Churna(Powdered form), Vati (Tablet form) etc. One of the form such as kwatha Decoction of various medicinal plants), which is most useful is Churna.Panchakola churna is a compound prepared by mixing up the fine powder of 5 drugs in kola pramana (6 gm each ).These are -Pippali,Pippalimula,Chavya,Chitrak, Shunthi.It is effectively work on Sutika Makkala shoola According to sushruta.
Keywords: Sootika Makkala shoola, vata shamana, Panchkola churna.