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Case Report

Year: 2024 |Volume: 5 | Issue: 03 |Pages: 37-41

Effect of Vaman karma in Psoriasis: A case study

About Author

Mahore R.R.1 , Bahatkar S2

1MD (Sch) Dept of Panchakarma R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu) Worli, Mumbai – 18

2Professor, Dept of Panchakarma R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu) Worli, Mumbai – 18

Correspondence Address:

Dr Rahul R Mohare Md Scholar (Panchakarma, 3rd Year) R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu) Worli, Mumbai – 18

Date of Acceptance: 2024-04-17

Date of Publication:2024-04-30


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: Nill

How To Cite This Article: Mahore R.R.Bahatkar S. Effect of Vaman karma in Psoriasis: A case study. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(3):36-41-10 DOI:


In Ayurveda, psoriasis (siddhma kustha) is often viewed as a manifestation of skin disease resulting from imbalances in the body's doshas, particularly vata and kapha. Psoriasis or Siddhma kustha is one of the types of Mahakushtha explained in Ayurved. Although the Kustha is considered as Tridoshajanya vyadhi it has mainly vaat and kapha dosha predominance in its pathogenesis. In present case 42 years old male patient with psoriasis was treated through vaman karma. The symptoms were subsided after the completion of therapy. Parameters were assessed before and after the treatment. In result patient acquired good effect in symptoms like Itching, Erythema etc. In today’s era when the world is facing challenges of pandemic of infectious diseases, diseases resulting from erroneous life style, diseases due to compromised immunity or the pathologies arising from air, water and noise pollution, adulterated food; “Ayurveda” the ancient science of life can bring the solution of these all.

Keywords: Vaman,Kushtha, Tridoshajanya vyadhi, Samsarjana krama




Issue: 03

Volume: 5 (2024): Month - 06

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