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Case Report

Year: 2024 |Volume: 5 | Issue: 08 |Pages: 07-11


About Author

Pakhare S.,1 , Duddalwar Y., 2 , Jamdhade S., 3 , Jamdhade P. 4

1PG Scholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.

2Guide and Associate Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.

3Professor and HOD, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India

4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Dr. Samiksha Pakhare PG Scholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Samiksha Pakhare PG Scholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, D. M. M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.

Date of Acceptance: 2024-08-21

Date of Publication:2024-09-05


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Pakhare S., Duddalwar Y., Jamdhade S., Jamdhade P. Ayurvedic Management of Mutrashmari W.S.R To Urolithiasis: A Case Study. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(8):07-11 DOI:


Mutrashmari is one of the diseases among Ahthamahagad ¹ (8 fatal disease), comes under Mutravaha Stotasa. It is Kapha Pradhan Tridoshaj Vyadhi. In Modern Medical Science Mutrashmari is correlated with Urolithiasis due to resembalance in sign and symptoms.Renal Calculi are common affecting 1% of the population and recurrence in more than half of the patients ².In Contemporary medicine a no of medical treatment have been mentioned but it is quite expensive and the pathogenesis behind the recurrance of formation of stone cannot be avoided . Hence it is necessary to find affordable and effective medicine to treat Mutrashmari. A 18 year old girl, came to OPD of Kayachikitsa,with complaints of abdominal and back pain radiating from loin to groin region ,burning micturition  came to OPD of Kayachikitsa . USG report showed three Renal Calculi. Patient was treated with Shaman Aushadhi,regular follow up was taken. These medicines had shown amazing results the stones were expelled out through urine within 3 months. All signs and symptoms of patient resolved and there was no trace of calculi in USG report after treatment.

Keywords: Mutrashmari, Ahthamahagad, kapha Pradhan, tridhosha, Shaman Aushadhi




Issue: 08

Volume: 5 (2024): Month - 10

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