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Original Article

Year: 2020 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 8 |Pages: 317-329

Apamarga Ksharasutra In Management of Fistula in- Ano : A Clinical Study

About Author

Apeksha P Moray1 , Gayatri Mawale2 , Vipin T Tongale3 , Swati A Wankhade4

1MS Ayurveda, PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Dr. V J D Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Patur, 7588084403,

2MD Ayurveda, Professor and HOD, Department of Shalya Tantra , Dr. V J D Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Patur

3MS Ayurveda, PhD Scholar, PG Ayurved Medical Officer District Hospital, Amravati, 9405404492,

4MS Ayurveda, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra , Shri Gurudev Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Gurukunj Ashram, Mozari, Amravati.

Correspondence Address:

Dr Apeksha P Moray, PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Dr. V J D Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Patur, Email: mobile no. 7588084403

Date of Acceptance: 2020-11-20

Date of Publication:2020-12-01


Source of Support: NIL

Conflict of Interest: NIL

How To Cite This Article: Moray Apeskha & . Apamarga Ksharasutra In Management of Fistula in- Ano : A Clinical Study Int. J Ind. Med. 2020;1(8):317-329


Background: The Bhagandara is one among the eight Mahagadas  described by Acharya Sushruta. ‘Fistula-in-ano is an abnormal hollow tract or cavity that is lined with granulation tissue and that connects a primary opening inside the anal canal. Methods: Patients of either sex or age group between 20 to 60 years. Ksharsutra Treatment is given  for the periods of  3 months. In addition, treatment was continued beyond 3 months if not healed but observations will be noted up to 3 months only. Observations and Results : Bhagandar is present mainly in age group 35 to 50 years, Pain during defecation is reduced in significantly in subsequent follow up of Ksharsutra. Ksharsutra treatment was effective in reducing discharge from wound site. Bleeding from wound site was effectively reduced, cutting rate was good and Fistula in ano tract was cut highly significantly. Conclusion: Ksharsutra application  is effective in relieving Fistula in-ano.

Keywords: Ksharsutra, Bhagandara, Fistula in ano, Bleeding, Mahagadas




Issue: 8

Volume: 1 (2020): Month - 12

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