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Original Article

Year: 2021 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 02 |Pages: 60-69

Pharmaceutical Study of Pippalyadya Lauha

About Author

Amit Kapila1 , Amnish Verma2 , Rajni Bhardwaj3 , Amandeep Sharma4

1Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab.

2Reader, PG Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, Desh Bhagat University, Mandigobingarh. Punjab

3Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana. Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College & Hospital Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh (Punjab).

4Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab.

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Amit Kapila Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajyakalpana, Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab.

Date of Acceptance: 2021-02-02

Date of Publication:2021-03-01


Source of Support: NIL

Conflict of Interest: NIL

How To Cite This Article: Amit Kapila et al. Pharmaceutical Study of Pippalyadya Lauha. Int. J Ind. Med. 2021;2(2):60-69


According to Ayurveda, there is no substance in the world which cannot be used as medicine. Most of the drugs, as such cannot be used for the therapeutic urpose in the biological systems. Hence, to develop an elegant, compatible & onvenient dosages forms, which can be applied easily, were the need of time. These specific modifications are known as ‘Samskara’ in Ayurveda, and they can be grouped under the headings of ‘pharmaceutical processes’ in contemporary languages. In present era of globalization, it is the need of time to explore the scientific basis for medicaments of Ayurveda. Pippalyadya Lauh is one of the important Loha Kalapana for Swasa Chikitsa. The ingredients of Pippalyadya Lauh are Pippali, Amalaki, Draksha, Kola, Madhu, Sharkara, Vidanga, Pushkaramoola and Lauha Bhasma. Pippali cure shawasa ,kasa,and kaphavatashamka.

Keywords: Pippalyadya Lauha, Loha Kalapana, Shodhana, Marana, Lauha Bhasma


Ayurveda is a well-documented Traditional system of Indian Medicine (TIM). Rasa Shastra, an offshoot of Ayurveda popular from medieval period, mostly deals with therapeutic utilization of metals and minerals. Iron is a noncontroversial metal for therapeutic use since centuries in east as well as west. Iron containing drugs are widely used in modern medicine as hematinic. These drugs are known to induce some adverse drug reactions gastro intestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, eructation, pyrosis, meteorism, borborygami, colic pain, flatulence, constipation, black feces, and diarrhea).

Lauha Kalpas  most likely used and can be a better alternative from Ayurveda. Lauha Kalpas (LK) is formulations which possess Lauha Bhasma (calyx of iron) as the major ingredient along with the other herbal ingredients.

 Pippalyadya Lauh is one of the important Loha Kalapana. The ingredients of Pippalyadya Lauh are Pippali, Amalaki, Draksha, Kola, Madhu, Sharkara ,Vidanga, Pushkaramoola and Lauha Bhasma. Pippali cure shawasa ,kasa,and kaphavatashamka. Amalaki is an excellent fruit. It alleviates vayu because of sour taste, alleviates kapha because of its astringent taste. Pippalyadi loha used in Asthama treatment. Pippalyadi Loha is cost effective, and easy to prepare, here an attempt is made for Pharmaceutical Study of Pippalyadya Lauha.


For the preparation of Pippalyadi Loha the steps followed were Loha shodhana.Samanya shodhana of Loha was carried out as per classical reference followed by Taila,Takra,Gomotra,Kultha Kwath and Kanji.After shodhana of Loha Next Loha was subjected for Bhanupaka and Sthalipaka.After sthali paka the loha converted in to churana form. Note this churana was triturated with Triphala Kwath and chakrika were prepared and subjected for Gajaputa. After 10 gajaputa Bhasma passes its pareeksha. Then dry herbs powder were prepared and mixed in specified proportion. All are taken in given quantity and mardana done with irrespective of reference. Pippalyadi Loha was prepared in three different forms i.e. Pippalyadi Loha I,II,III. After 10th puta, Cracks were seen on both the saucers. Pellets became very soft after incineration. Colour of Loha Bhasma was purple (PakwaJambuPhala Varna).


Pippalayadi Loha is a herbo -mineral preparation needs raw materials like – Loha, Pushkarmoola, Pippali, Madhu, Draksha, Vidanga, Kola which are easily available. In the first step Grahya Loha was taken and Loha bhasma prepared with the classical method followed by Bhanupaka,Sthalipaka and Puta paka. The pharmaceutical processing of Pippalayadi Loha was continued with the powdered drugs mentioned for preparation with three different methods. As pippalyadi loha preparation is bit tedious i.e in the loha bhasma preparation but economic.


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  2. Parashara R, editor, (4th ed.). Sharangadhara Samhita of Sharangadhara, MadhyamaKhanda, Chapter 2, Verse 10-12. Nagpur: SriBaidyanatha Ayurveda Bhavana,1994; 211
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  6. Kasinathsastri editor, Sadananda Sharma. Rasatarangini, 20-21 thed. New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas; 2004. p.733-737.
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  8. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India: Part 3, Second edition 2003, Publisher: Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy, New Delhi; page no. 386
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