Correspondence Address:
Dr.Sarika Patil, M.S.(Shalakya), Ph.D.(Scholar); Professor, Dept. of Salakyatantra, Yashwantrao Chavhan Ayurved Medical College, Nipani Bhalgaon, Aurangabad.(India). Email:, Mobile No. 9421054120.
Date of Acceptance: 2021-11-16
Date of Publication:2021-12-07
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
How To Cite This Article: Patil S, Kurule S, Mahalle N. A Review on Role of Rasayan Chikitsa in Netragat Vyadhi and its Practical Application. Int J Ind Med 2021;2(11):1-7
Ayurveda is a science of life, deals with each and every aspect of life. Maintenance and promotion of health and happiness is the first object while next is to prevent disease and cure of sickness. For this Aacharya’s mention the various treatment modalities like Dinacharya (daily regimen), Rutucharya (seasonal regimen), Swasthavritta (health science) and also Rasayan Chikitsa (rejuvenation therapy). Our Aacharyas had the knowledge of ageing process, congenital disorders, lifestyle disorders and to deal with these changes they established a specialized branch of “Rasayan chikitsa”, which aims at achieving a long and healthy life. As we all know, eye is the most important sense organ of our body and it’s every person’s duty to prevent eyesight till the end of their life. Due to age, changing life style eating habits and physical and mental stress, our eyesight gets hampered in earlier life. In our classical Ayurvedic text books Aacharyas have mentioned various treatment modalities under the heading Chakshushya (eye tonic), Netrya (eye tonic), indriya bal vardhana (increase the power of sense organ), which acts as a Rasayan chikitsa. Thus aim of this study to review the importance of Rasayana in Netragat vyadhi.
Shalakyatantra is a branch of Ayurveda deals with the study of eyes and provides information about ocular diseases and their management. In Netragat Vyadhi there are many age related disorders, congenital disorders, where progressive vision loss occurs. Along with that same life style changing situations, stress condition, unhealthy eating habits vision also gets affected. To overcome this situation or to restore our vision as well as to stop further progression our Aacharyas excellently describe the “Rasayan Chikitsa” to live a healthy and better long life.[1]
As Netra is important gnyanendriya (Sense organ), Rasayana is needed to restore their normal functioning and to prevent them from diseases. Aacharya Charak, Sushrutta, Vagbhatta, Yogratnakar, Sharangdhara mentioned various Chakshushya dravyas, kriyakalpas (procedures) like Tarpan, Anjana, Nasya, Padabhyanga which we can implement in our day to day life easily to increase strength of our sense organs and prevent from diseases.
Aim and objectives
Material and methods
All Bruhatrayi and Laghutrayi, Ayurvedic textbooks, related journals to Rasayan chikitsa mentioned for Netrarogas were reviewed and analyzed for understanding the benefits of Rasayan in Netra vyadhi.
Charak Samhita[2]:
According to Acharya Charak the substance which invigorates a healthy person by producing the best quality of Rasa, Rakta dhatu and other dhatus are called as “Rasayana”.Charakacharya has described use of Abhaya and Aamalaki and its six preparations for rejuvenation therapy in Charak Samhita the Aadhyaya 1 Pada 1.[3]
These are as follows:
Sushruta Samhita:
Sushruta has described Rasayan in Chikitsasthan in four chapters i.e. from 27th to 30th. Mentioned specific rasayan kalpas in Netragat Chikitsa in respective to Netra vyadhi in Uttartantra.
1) Vijaysaradi Rasayan yoga – Chakshu kaam prankaam[4]
In Sushrut Samhita specific disease treatment[5]:
Ashtang Hridayam and Ashtang Sangraha[6] –
The description of Rasayan Therapy is mentioned in last chapters of uttartantra i.e. 49th chapter of Ashthanga Sangraha and 39th of Asthanga Hridya.
Vaghbhata mentioned few Ahar and Drayas to keep eye healthy, like grains such as Yava (Hordeum vulgare), Godhuma (Tritium aestivum), Shali (Oryza sativa), Swastika (Marsilea minuta), Kodrava (Paspalum scrobiculatum), Mudga (Vigna radiate) etc.
Vegetables and meat of animals of Jangala Desha, having similar properties, Dadima (Punica granatum), Sita, saindhava, Triphala, Draksha (Vitis vinifera) and rain water drinking are beneficial for eye sight.
Yogartnakara –
Yogartnakara also mentioned in chapter Rasayanadhikar of uttardha as Rasayan chikitsa is Chakshushya and Timir nashanam[7].
According to Yogartnakara the beneficial diet for eye consist of Shashtika Sali (Coryza sativa), Patola (Tricosanthes dioica), Shigru (Moringa oleifera), Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Vasthukam (Chenopodium album), Karvellam (Momordica Charantia), Amra (Mangifera indica), Dhatri (Embilica officnalis), Dadim (Punica granatum), Matulungam (Citrus medica), Narikelum (Cocos nucifera), Pathya (Terminalia chebula), Kushtam (Saussurea castus), Bhringarajam (Eclipta Alba), Kumari (Aloe vera), Musta (Cypecus rotundus), Usheera (Vertivaria Zizaniods), Purana ghruta, Dugdha, Taila, Takra.[8]
table 1
Triphala is the wonderful preparation which is used in different forms in almost all the netra rogas. It has kaphapittaghna, chakshushya and rasayana.
Kriyakalpas act as Rasayan Chikista in Netragat Vyadhi –
Tarpan is one of the important ocular therapeutic (Kriyakalpa) which nourishes the eyes and cures the Vata, Pitta disease[15]. Tarpan acts as both preventive and curative therapy for maintaining normal healthy condition of eyes. Tarpan is mostly done with lipophilic drugs in the farm of Ghruta, Vasa etc. Thus, it can be well absorbed though lipoidal eye membrane and also it nourishes the tissues and internal structures so that its function gets improved. [16]
Our Acharyas prescribed Anjana therapy as daily regimen especially “Sauvira Anjana” (Animeny Sulphide) and Rasanjana (decoction of Berberista aristata i.e. Daruharidra) mixed with honey, as it eliminate Kapha Dosha from the eye because eyes have predominance of pitta doshas or Tejo Mahabhuta for its proper functioning or clarity of vision.[17] Acharya Sushruta specially mentioned various formulations of Anjana to cure the difficult eye diseases.
In the centre of the feet 2 siras (blood vessels) are situated which are directly connected to the eyes, those transmit the effect of the medicines applied over the feet in the form of massage.[18] Major cause of blindness are cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, Age related Macular degeneration, Refractive errors. For this we can add Padaabhyang in our daily regimen to prevent these situations or stop progression of signs and symptoms.
Indriyartha of Chakshu is rupa. Vaayu is responsible for Rupagrahana. Padaabhyanga helps in proper function of vaayu. There by Padaabhayanga through it’s vata ameliorating (pacifying) action is responsible for better function of chakshuindriya.
According to Sharangdhara Samhita, in each decade some sharirrhasa is there. In that after 60 Years drushtirhasa is explained. With the help of padaabhyanga it gives bala to netra. The vata dosha subsided by snehakarma, in turn helps to slow down degenerative change in the eye.[19]
Use Of Rasaaushadhis (metallic drugs) In Netragat Vyadhi –
Acharyas also mentioned various rasa aushadhis for the treatment of eye disease. Such as Suvarna (gold), Yashada (Zinc), Kasisa (Ferrous sulphate), Louha (Iron), Suvarnamakshika (Copper pyrite), Gairika (Haematite), Tamra (Copper) all these drugs having the chakshushya or netrya property. [20]
According to modern medicine all these Rasa aushadhis are used as micronutrients, minerals having the great potency of antioxidants, immune-modulatory actions, cellular regeneration and nerve stimulant. So they are used in the treatment of age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, optic atrophy, etc.
Rasayan Chikitasa means Rejuvenation therapy. Rejuvenation literally means to return to youthful conditions or to the normal from diseased state. Rasayana is a specialized type of treatment influencing the fundamental aspect of body i.e. Dhatu, Agni, and Srotasa. Our Acharyas had a great Knowledge of all these conditions, so they not only mentioned the treatment of specific disease but also clearly focus on how to live a healthy life by applying all these drugs, Aahar – Vihar, kriyakalpas in daily regimen. Rasayan drugs acts as Antioxidants. Antioxidants are the substances that can reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Various Chakshushya dravyas mentioned in Ayurveda literatures are rich sources of macro, micro nutrients, Vitamins like A, E, C, K, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12 and Vitamin D. glucose, fructose, glycogen glutathione and zinc which help in normal functions of eye cells. So, the proper usage of Rasayan Dravyas mentioned in Ayurveda will strengthen our ocular tissue, protect eyes from the free radical damage, improve the eye sight and prevent age related diseases like corneal opacity, cataract, age related macular degeneration, optic atrophy, progressive Refractive errors.As well as by applying various procedures like tarpan, Anjana and padaabhyang we can also improve our eye sight and relive the eye strain.
In the current scenario, every person lives a fast life, with physical and mental stress, improper diet, lack of rest and peace. Due to this changed lifestyle many people are suffering from early disease condition or degenerative disorders of the eye. Overall blindness due to cataract is 17.6 million (39%), glaucoma 4.5 million (10%) and age-related macular degeneration 3.2 million (7%). To prevent these conditions or to stop the progression there are limitation in modern medicine or not promising treatment. So, to overcome this Rasayan Chikitsa is the best treatment modality mentioned by Ayurvedic science. Every person has to implement Rasayan Chikitsa to restore his vision.