Correspondence Address:
Dr. Vaidehi Zaware. MD scholar Department of shalakyatantra Dr.D.Y Patil Ayurved college and research centre. Pimpri , Pune, Maharashtra. Email id
Date of Acceptance: 2022-01-18
Date of Publication:2022-02-10
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
How To Cite This Article: Zaware V, Shiralkar V, Jagtap P. Concept Of Chakshusya Dravaya And Its Action On Chakshu (Eye). Int J Ind Med 2022;3(1):73-78
The human eye is one of the most important and highly differentiated end organs which is mainly responsible for sense of sight. In Ayurveda the Shalakya Tantra is an important branch dealing with the diseases situated above the clavicle related with the disorders of eye, Ear, Nose and upper etc. In Ayurveda Chakshushya Dravyas used as a rejuvenating medicine that nourishes the damaged and weakened retinal tissue. Numerous Chakshushya Dravyas are described in Ayurvedic literature. Chakshushya Dravya can be described in two ways. one is Chakshu-hitakara i.e. advantageous for eyes and other one Chakshu-rogahara i.e. used for Chikitsa of eye disorders. Chakshushya drugs possess the special affinity to visual apparatus resulting in vision promotion, helps in bringing homeostasis in the eye, rejuvenates the eye structurally and functionally and thus protecting the eye from easily getting aggrieved by any disease. These drugs are having anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, neuroprotective, healing, adaptability, and immunity enhancing properties.
Keywords: Chakshusya dravaya, Chakshu (Eye), Vision, Netra
Visual perception like all other sensory phenomena is reliant on on the state of the mind & soul. Acharya Charaka has described this process as the conjuncture of soul mind & sense organ with the objects.(1) In Ayurveda, Ophthalmology is the division in developing phase Chakshushya Dravya is very important and interesting topic in Shalakyatantra. Chakshu means Eye and Chakshushya means useful for eyes. Protection of sight is one of the priorities of Shalakya Tantra and it explores disorders of eye with minute details. Loss of vision and refractive errors and other eye conditions is vividly described under Drishti rogas. In Ayurveda The dravyas which preserve & improve eye sight work as eye tonic is known as Chakshushya Dravyas.” Chakshu is site of Alochak pitta. These dravyas work on Chakshuindriya by its properties & Doshghnata. So Chakshushya Dravya means various herbs said in Ayurveda used for benefit of eyes. Most of the herbs in Ophthalmology are defined under the title of Netrya and Chakshushya Drava.
Materials and Methods: A compressive review of the available literature on eye and Chakshushya Dravya such as classical text of Ayurveda, and other compendium is done. Data is collected from various books, periodicals and papers published in the e-journal etc.
Review on Chakshu
Chakshu Utpatti- (2)
The meaning of root ‘Chaksh’ and ‘Unadi’ suffix ‘us’ in the nonappearance of khyanjadesha forms the word Chakshu, meaning Darshanendriya or organ of sight.
Nirukti / Definition:(3)
Chakshu is that sensual ability situated in both the eye balls, which is responsible for vision.
Chakshu word has many meanings. The scientific synonym of each word as per Ayurveda with their etymological derivations are given below:
• Akshi: Ashu – to reach + “Ktin Karane” pratyaya (Sabdakalpadrum)
This denotes source of reaching of seeing.
• Chakshu: Chaksh – Darshane + “Sinch Karane” pratyaya (Vachaspatyam),
Meaning: which is responsible for sight.
• Drishti: Drish – to see + “Ktin Karane” pratyaya (Sabdakalpadrum),
Meaning: source or tool with which one sees.
• Netra: Ni-to drive + “Ktin Karane” pratyaya (Sabdakalpadrum).
Meaning: which takes or drives one towards knowledge.
• Nayana: Ni-to drive, to lead + “Karane lyut” pratyaya (Sabdakalpadrum).
Meaning: which drives towards the subject.
• Lochana: Loch – to see + “Karane Lyut” Pratyaya (Sabdakalpadrum)
Meaning: the tool with which one sees.
Concept of Chakshuyendria in Ayurveda
Eyes are most important among the five Jnanendriyas. Vata is responsible for stimulation and activation of the Indriya, where as pitta helps in Alochana (perception) of the Indriya Adhistana. Prana Vayu & Vyana Vayu are specifically reason for Vata Karmas, In Netra, Alochaka Pitta for Darshana &, Tarpaka Kapha for Akshi Tarpana.(5) The study of Alochaka Pitta is of considerable importance in the visual perception. The Alochaka Pitta is placed in the Antastharaka of the eye to receive the images. Bhela has predicted two aspects of Alochaka Pitta, among which Chakshu vaisheshika produces the information of the characteristic form and colour of things. Buddhi Vaisheshika, the other type of the same is accountable for concentration, response and cognition as it recalls the objects. (6) Visual perception, like all other sensory phenomena, is dependent upon the state of mind and soul. Acharya Charaka has described this process as the combination of events of soul, mind and the sense organ with the objects. (7)
Chakshu and Chakshushya Dravya
There are Pancha Indriyas (five sense organs) in the body. Sense organ of vision is Chakshurindriya (Chakshu)is a sense organ consisting of Teja Mahabhuta. (8) Its location is eye, object (Artha) is vision and perception of it is Chakshusha buddhi Perception de-pends on contact of sense organ with its subject.
Chakshushya, means "improving strength of the eyes"-Chakshu means "eye" and Ayushya means "optimum nourishment to the dhatu(Rasayana)” so it is literally a "Rasayana for the eyes".Chakshushya drugs scientifically further can be categorised as Chakshu Dahahara (helps in reducing burning sensation. Chakshu Rujahara (helps in analgesic action)-. Netra Shothahara (helps in anti-inflammatory action) – Chakshu Drudhi Karana (maintains the power of vision) and Chakshu kanduhara (helps in antiallergic action). Chakshusya Dravya also has effect of Vranaropana (wound healing effect) and Antioxidant effect which prevent ageing of eye.
table 1
Chakshushya Dravyas should be having property of harmonizing all three dosha especially Pitta Kaphashamaka, Majority of Dravya are of with Sheeta Virya and Madhur Tikta and Kashaya rasa. The function of Chakshureindriya is done by Alochaka Pitta, Degenerative changes in different organs because of oxidative stress may be controlled by Rasayana drugs with proven antioxidant activities. (11) Several Chakshushya Dravyas mentioned in Ayurveda which are rich sources of micronutrients like Sorbitol, Fructose, Glucose, Calcium, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Helps in preserving normal function and physical integrity of the eye. So Chakshushya Dravyas, improves the functions, averts the Age-related changes and helps in rejuvenating eye. In general, all these Drugs mainly have Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Immunomodulatory, Immunostimulant, Neuro protective and Anti-inflammatory property.
Chakshushya dravya has Rasayana Guna help in restore to an active and restoring normal ocular function. The drug assumed to have the chemical constituents like vit C, carotene, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium. These constituents protect further degeneration of photoreceptor cells. Thus Chakshushya Darvyas described in the Ayurvedic literature has vast area of properties which includes drugs having, healing, nutritive, preventive, therapeutic, and rejuvenating properties.