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Dr.Deshpande Radhika Vinayak MD(Panchakarma), Dept of PG Studies in Panchakarma SDMT Ayurvedic college and hospital Terdal Dist. Bagalkot email:
Date of Acceptance: 2022-07-13
Date of Publication:2022-08-07
Source of Support: Nill
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How To Cite This Article: Deshpande R V, Vasan S. A critical review on Manyasthambha according to Ayurveda. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(7):25-32
Manyasthambha is a vataja nanatmaja vyadhi. Incidence of Cervical spondylosis is increasing which hampers the quality of life. Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine, it can be correlated with Manyastabha in Ayurveda, this condition affects the vertebral bodies and intervertebral disc of the neck. Spondylosis progresses with age and often develops at multiple interspaces. Acharya Charaka has mentioned about Manyasthambha in Trimarmeeya chapter of Siddhi Sthana. The Vata Dosha along with Kapha Dosha gets vitiated and takes ashraya at Manyapradesha affecting the Manya siras causing stambhana and ruja of neck. Preventive measures and nidan parivarjan helpful in reducing the signs and symptoms of Manyastmabha.
Keywords: Manyasthambha, Trimarmeeya, nanatmaja vyadhi, Cervical spondylosis.
Manyasthambha is a vataja nanatmaja vyadhi4 can be correlated to cervical spondylosis.[1] Most of the persons are suffering from cervical spondylosis. Incidence of Cervical spondylosis is increasing every year. This hampers the most active phase of life. Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine that affects the vertebral bodies and intervertebral disc of the neck. Spondylosis progresses with age and often develops at multiple interspaces. Acharya Charaka has mentioned about Manyasthambha in Trimarmeeya chapter of Siddhi Sthana, he explained Manyasthambha is because of head injury i.e. Shiro abhighatam and considered Antharayama as Manyasthambha.[2]
1.To review the Manyasthambha according to Ayurvedic point of view.
Literary and conceptual study was done on Manyasthambha compilation from the Brihatrayees, Laghutrayees, and other classical books including journals, presented papers, previous work done and co-related, analysed with the knowledge of contemporary science on the subject.
Manyastambha :
Manyastambha derived from two words ‘Manya’ and ‘Stambha’. According to Aruna Dutta the commentator of Astang Hrdaya the meaning of the word Manya is two Nadis, laterally to the Neck. The meaning of the word Stambha is Niscalikarana (Dalhana).[3]
Acharya Sushruta, has described Manyastambha as the main symptom of Apatanaka, in Vatavyadhi[4] Madhava Nidana[5], Bhavaprakasha,[6] and Sharangadhara Samhita,[7] distributed Manyastambha as individual disease by discussing its detailed pathology along with its specific line of treatment. Manyastambha described as independent disease and discussed Nidana and treatment in Vangasena[9], Bhaishajya Ratnavali[10] Chakradatta.[11]
Nidana of Manyastambha:
Manyastambha is one of the Vatananatmaja vikara. Various Nidan given as per various Acharya as below-
Dalhana clarifies that by looking upwards continuously is vakra position of manya leads to minor trauma and precipitates the symptoms. In Charaka Samhita abigathwam of siras is one of the reasons for Manyastambha. [19,20]
Samprapti of Manyastambha (pathogenesis) : [21]
The knowledge of Samprapti is very much essential from treatment point of view and it also helps to understand complete pathogenesis of a disease. Due to nidana sevana Vata gets vitiated and gets Kapha avruta, which in turn does sthabdatha of fourteen manya siras situated in the back of neck and results in Manyastambha. The Vata Dosha along with Kapha Dosha gets vitiated and takes ashraya at Manyapradesha affecting the Manya siras causing stambhana and ruja of neck. Vata prakopa Nidanas mentioned like dhatukshaya, which mainly occur after 40 to 50 years of life in terms of degenerative changes found in the cervical spine.
Samprapti ghatakas:[22]
Manyastambha is one of the Vataja nanatmaja vikara. The condition of Manyastambha, is the clinical condition in which the back of the neck becomes rigid or stiff and the movements of the neck are impaired. The stiffness of neck is consequence of aggravated vata lodging in the cervical region. Along with Vata, Kapha dosha is also associated in this disease. Vata is vitiated either because of kaphavarana or Dhatu kshaya. Vata is vitiated and lodged in the Kapha sthana so the Kapha involvement can occur.
Manyasthambha is one of the Vataj nanatmaja Vyadhi, Acharya Sushruta have mentioned Kapha Avruta Vata and included under Vatajanantmaja vyadhi. Manyastmbha, it can be corelated with Cervical spondylosis, it is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine that affects the vertebral bodies and intervertebral disks. Vata dosha involvement in etiopathogenesis is dominant so treatment and preventive plan should be done accordingly.
Acharya Ravidatta Tripathi’s Charaka Samhita Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Edition-2013, Sutrasthan 20/11 Shloka, Page No-293.