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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 4 | Issue: 06 |Pages: 26-30


About Author

Surlake S.1 , Bawane V.2 , Danga S.3

1Assistant Professor, Dept of Strirog and Prasutitantra B.R.Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Karav, Vangani, Thane.

2Professor and HOD. Dept of Strirog and Prasutitantra B.R.Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Karav, Vangani, Thane.

3Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur.

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Shrutika Surlake. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Strirog and Prasutitantra B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Karav, Vangani, Thane.

Date of Acceptance: 2023-06-29

Date of Publication:2023-07-20


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Surlake S., Bawane V., Danga S. A Literary View of Saumnasya in Stree Vandhyatva. Int J Ind Med 2023;4(6):27-30 DOI:


Stree Vandhyatva is defined as not being able to get pregnant inspite having unprotected intercourse for at least a year for most of the couples. Beeja particularly ‘streebeeja’ is the only entity which don’t have any alternative because it is the important component which resembles a family in future as their own offspring. Soumanasya Garbhjananam which reflects peace of mind causes production of Garbha. As per Acharya Charaka, this is a one of the Adravya chikitsa. It is not mere the placebo effect in the upcoming evolution. To build a child’s mental health is considered more important and Acharya Charaka describes “Soumanasyam Garbhadharnanam Shreshtam” so as to build a healthy mental status of a child.1 Also, Acharya Charaka depicts that the mental health of a female as the most important factor for garbhadharana.

Keywords: Saumnasya,Garbhadharan,Vandhyatva


Health according to Ayurveda is defined as equilibrium of Dosha, Agni and Dhatu as well as healthy status of mind, body and soul.2

Several times a couple whose biochemical as well as physical parameters which are found absolutely normal fail to conceive. It is a matter of further research to calibrate the Soumanasya Bhava which varies individual to individual.


Charakacharya stated in the Agraya Samgraha as ‘Saumanasya Garbhajananaam’ which explains that good mind state can serve many issues. Infertility itself is a cause of anxiety, stress and depression. The role of manasika bhava is extremely important. An intervention in the level of manas as a part of routine infertility management can be expected to yield significant results. In Charaka Samhita, Vajikarana Adhyaya Charaka highly specified that if you have no issue then it is said as Nindaniya.The Manasika Dosha are considered as Rajas and Tamas and Satva is considered as Shuddha.


Aspects which relate to Soumanasya Garbhajanananm-

  • Charaka has incorporated the various aspects along with Manasika causes -

1.Vatadi Dosha Sanchaya or Vriddhi.

2.Samudaya of shatbhavas and satvaja bhava

3.Vatamutra Purisha Vegavarodha.

4.Tikshna and Ushna Dravyadhika Sevana.


6.Sudhe anile, hridi


8.Vishamasthana Sampeedana and Aghatha

9.Krodha, Shoka, Irshya, Bhaya, Trasa

10.Garbhasambhav samagri: Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu, Beeja

  • Garbhadhana aims at conception i.e., production of Garbha- It intends to possess the following:

1. Maithune anukulau3

2. Samjatha harsha

3. Manojna and hitam asanam asitva

 4.Sattvaja Bhava - Bhakti, Sheela, Shaucha, Dwesha, Smruti, Moha, Tyaga, Matsarya, Shourya, Bhaya, Krodha, Tandra, Utsaha, Taikshna, Mardava, Gambhirya, Anavasthitava, Anyobhava.Charaka has enumerated Sattvaja Bhav as belief in God, character, cleanliness, enmity, memory, sacrifice, anger, delusion, malice, prowess, fear, fury, drowsiness, spirit, sharpness, softness, profundity, unsteadiness of mana.4

Vandhyatwa confines to-This explains primary as well as secondary Infertility

  1. Manaso abhighatat. garbham chirat vindathy saprajaapi”5
  2. Maatradeenameva thu garbhakaranam bhavanam vyapathirnimittam asya ajanama bhavathy

Factors contributing to Manasopghat:

  • Pollution
  • Poverty
  • Natural disasters
  • Work related stress
  • Marietal disputes
  • Time management issues
  • Disability
  • Illness
  • Injury
  • Death in family
  • Improper food and lifestyle habit



  • Adhimamsa
  • Lack of self esteem
  • Tandra
  • Decreased libido
  • Pramehapoorvarupa
  • Ashraddha
  • Isolation
  • Aruchi
  • Asyavairasya
  • Klaibya
  • Weight gain
  • Weight loss
  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Dhatwagni vaishamya - hormonal imbalances – HPO, HPA, HPT axis
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Obsessive behaviourial changes
  • Autoimmune disorders



  • satvika aharas – ghrita, ksheera, balanced and healthy diet
  • seelaneeya dravyas in proper matra
  • Following astha aharavidhiviseshayathanas

  • Yoga
  • Dharaneeya vega dharana
  • Satam upasanam
  • Pranayama
  • Rithucharya
  • Dina charya
  • Proper swapna
  • Proper maithuna charya
  • Dhee dhairya, atmadi vijnanam
  • Sadvrittha Palan
  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Achara rasayana


Saumanasyam is the best tool for achieving conception. Therefore Acharya Charaka has described that by avoiding Shoka,Krodha, Asuya,  Bhaya,Irshya, Trasa, and Kshobha,Sadvrutta can be maintained.6 The pregnancy can be affected in a negative manner by the mansik bhavas like depression,stress,unstability of mind.Sattvavajaya Chikitsa in Garbhini includes Devata Brahmana Pujana, Shaucha,  Sadavachara, Achara, Saumya Manonukula Katha Shravana, Hitorata. It also includes Ahita Artha Mano Nigraha i.e. Krodha, Shoka, Asuya, Irshya, Bhaya, Trasa, Samkshobha Varjana.7

Stress is the absence of swasthya as it affects the major phenomenon that is prasanna manas avastha and we need to bring back swasthya for a healthy progeny to appear.This mode of approach in infertility management is expected to yield much more results as it targets the main factor “Manas”  involved in the union of two people. An atmosphere of love harmony piece is very essential to welcome a new life and this approach will definitely help in achieving this.


1.Vidyadhar Shukla & Ravidatta Tripathi(editor), Charaka Samhita with Hindi commentary Vaidyamanorama, Sutrasthana, Chapter Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Varanasi, 2015; 221001: 339.

2.Agnivesa.    Charaka    Samhita    Chakrapani    Virachita Sharirstahana     Hindi     commentary, Dr.     Vidyadhar Shukla, Dr.Ravidatta   Tripathi,   Chaukhamba   Sanskrit pratisthana,    Delhi,    1st edition    reprint,    2011:704, 714,755, 775

3.Samhita by Agnivesha, revised by charak Dridhbala with Ayurveda- dipika commentary of chakrapanitta edited by Acharya vidyadhar Shukla and professor Charak ravidatta Tripathi marathi translation by vd. Vijay shankar kale, sharirsthana, 7/6 shlok no. first edition 2014 chaukambha Sanskrit pratisthan, delhi pg no 337.

4.Prof. V.N.K. Usha, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtan, Delhi, A Textbook of Obstetrics (Prasutitantra), Chapter no, 3: 379.

5.Prof. V.N.K. Usha, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, A textbook of Obstetrics (Prasutitantra), Chapter no, 2: 108.

6.Prof. (Km.) Premvati Tiwari, Ayurvediya Prasutitantra evam Striroga, Chapter Second edition, Choukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1999; 1(4): 137-138

7.Samhita by Agnivesha, revised by charak Dridhbala with Ayurveda- dipika commentary of chakrapanitta edited by Acharya vidyadhar Shukla and professor Charak ravidatta Tripathi marathi translation by vd. Vijay shankar kale, sharirsthana,4th Adhyaya, 28 shlok no. first edition 2014 chaukambha Sanskrit pratisthan.

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