Correspondence Address:
Dr.Vishwalata S Dhole Assistant professor,Dept. Of Shalakya Tantra, Bhargava Ayurveda college, Dahemi, Anand, Gujarat
Date of Acceptance: 2024-03-12
Date of Publication:2024-04-01
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: Nill
How To Cite This Article: Dhole VS,Kamble SN, Kedar KB. Role of Saindhav –Eladi Anjana in Pishtaka W.S.R. to Pinguecula : A Review. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(2):06-10 DOI:
Pishtaka are dots which look circular,elevated ,white like rice flour ,clear like water appear on white portion of eye ie. Shuklamandala. It is described under Shuklagata Sadhya Roga in Classical texts of Ayurveda. Pishtaka is correlated with Pinguecula which is characterized by Yellowish white triangular patch near the limbus on bulbar conjunctiva. It is an extremely common degenerative condition of the conjunctiva commonly seen in persons exposed to UV light ,dust ,wind etc.Usually Pinguecula is asymptomatic ,but when it is cosmetically unaccepted surgical removal is the only treatment in modern science. An ocular therapeutic Anjana is indicated in treatment of Pishtaka. The formulation Saindhav –Eladi Anjana is one of the medicine mentioned in Ashtanga Sangraha, Uttarsthana in the management of Pishtaka. Hence an attempt has been made to review the role of this medicine.
Keywords: Pishtaka, Pinguecula, Anjana, Saindhav-Eladi Anjana,
Every person should make consistant efforts to protect his eyes throughout the life because for blind person day and night are equal.(1) If person possesses all other sense organs ,strength,beauty & so on but lacks eye sight he is as useless as an insect.(2) Shalakya Tantra is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda which deals with management of diseases above the clavicle.Pishtaka is one among Shuklagata Netraroga which is characterized by dots which are circular,elevated looks white like rice flour , clear like water droplet.It appears on white portion of the eye ie. Shuklamandala.It is described under kaphaja Shuklagata roga. In modern science it is correlated with Pinguecula.(3)
Pinguecula is extremely common degenerative condition of conjunctiva characterized by formation of yellowish white patch on bulbar conjunctiva near limbus.It is benign,idiopathic condition which is commonly found in people who are exposed to dust, wind,UV rays etc.It is seen on nasal and temporal limbal conjunctiva .When conjunctiva is congested it stands out as an avascular prominence.(4) Pinguecula is generally asymptomatic hence no treatment is required for it but when it is cosmetically unaccepted it may be excised.
Anjana Review:
Anjana is the procedure in which application of medicinal pastes or powders is done with the help of Shalaka or Fingers from Kanninika Sandhi ie.inner canthus to Apanga Sandhi ie. Outer canthus. Anjana has tremendous importance in both healthy as well as in person having ophthalmic diseases.Anjana should be applied after shodhana therapy & when the doshas localized in the eye and total elimination of Amavastha and appearance of Pakwavastha lakshana ie. reduced edema, itching, lacrimation etc.(5)
Indication of Anjana:
Pittaja,Kaphaja,Raktaja & mainly in Vataja netraroga.
Insomnia, eye exposed to breeze,dust ,smoke ,in presence of eye injury & fatigued eye, thirsty patient,angry patient,emotionally upset patient ie.fear,grief,weeping,after emesis,purgation, meal,day sleep,nasyakarma in presence of indigestion,headache, extreme cold weather, immediately after headbath or before sunrise,suppression of natural urges,suffering from fever,shiroroga ,shopa ,kruchchronmilan,Timira etc.(6)
Types of Anjana:(7)
Anjana is of 3 types i.e. Gutika(Pills), Rasakriya(Semisolid) and Churna (powder). Acharya Susruta and Vagbhata mentioned that thestrength of Anjana increases in preceding order asGutika, Rasakriya and Churna. However Acharya Bhavamishra mentioned that order somewhat differently as Rasakriya, VartiandChurna. Hence can be usedAnjanaaccording tothe severity of the disease as Gutika, Rasakriya and Churna for the most severe, moderate and mild disorders respectively.
Application method of Anjana:(8)
When doshas are localized in eye only
When doshas exibit symptoms of Niramavastha
Pradhan karma:
After selecting proper Anjana as per dosha,patient has to be lie in supine or sitting position .The learned physician should open the eyelids of patient with the help of left hand & application of Anjana is done with fingertip or Anjana Shalaka held in right hand from kanninka sandhi to Apanga sandhi or viceversa.After appliucation of anjana ,Patient is asked to rotate the eyeball slowly in all direction to disperse the anjana material uniformly.
Paschat karma:
Eye should be properly washed with water.
table 1
Table 2
Lekhana anjana is indicated in kapha predominant vyadhi by Acharyas. As the drugs used for preparation of Saindhav –Eladi Anjana having properties like katu, Tikta, Kashaya rasa, Tikshna,Ruksha, Laghu Guna and Kaphahara doshghnata this Anjana may be helpful in Pishtaka as it is a kapha predominant roga.
Mode of Action of Lekhana Anjana:(16)
The vitiated dosha which are situated in vessels applying eye & eyelids srotas ie,Larima apparatus & also in Shrungataka marma are drained out through mouth,nostril & eye because of tirritant effect of Lekhana Anjana.
Mode action modern :
Pishtaka is correlated with the Pinguecula in modern science.Pinguecula is usually asymptomatic and not requied any treatment but if it is cosmetically unaccepted to patient then the surgical removal of it is the only treatment option in modern science and to avoid the surgery it is important to find out an effective alternative treatment.
In ayurveda Anjana Kriyakalpa is indicated in Pishtaka which is safe and cost effective treatment. As per Acharyas,Lekhana Anjana is useful in Pishtaka & drugs in Saindhav –Eladi Anjana has Lekhana property which helps in reducing size of Pishtaka.
1.Ashtanga Samgraha of Vagbhata(English translation)translated by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy , Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Vol III Uttarsthana Reprint 2012 Chp16,shloka no.29
2.Dr.Brahmanand Tripathi, Charaka Samhita vol I, Sutrasthana Chp.8/9, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan , Varanasi 2017
3. Shrikantha Murthy K.R. Sushruta Samhita (English Translation),Vol III, Uttarasthana Chp.4/8,Chaukhamabha Orientalia,Varanasi 2017
4.A. K. Khurana. Comprehensive Ophthalmology, 4th ed. New Age International (P) Limited publishers; 2007. Diseases of Conjunctiva page no.81-82
5.dr.Yogendranath Sharma, Dr.Amandeep Kaur:Role of Anjana Kriyakalpa in Eye Care:A Review Article:JETIR October 2023,Volume10, Issue10
6.Shrikantha Murthy K.R. Sushruta Samhita (English Translation),Vol III, Uttarasthana Chp.18/68-73,Chaukhamabha Orientalia,Varanasi 2017
7.Shrikantha Murthy K.R. Sushruta Samhita (English Translation),Vol III, Uttarasthana Chp.18/52,Chaukhamabha Orientalia,Varanasi 2017
8.Shrikantha Murthy K.R. Sushruta Samhita (English Translation),Vol III, Uttarasthana Chp.18/64-65,Chaukhamabha Orientalia,Varanasi 2017
9.Ashtanga Samgraha of Vagbhata(English translation)translated by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy , Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, Vol III Uttarsthana Reprint 2012 Chp14,shloka no.9
10. Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017,haritkyadi vargah,shloka no.24,page no.79
11. Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017,karpuradi vargah,shloka no.63 , page no.104
12. Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017, haritkyadi vargah,shloka no.60,61,page no.13
13. Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017, haritkyadi vargah,shloka no.80,page no.57
14.Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017 ,dhatvadi vargah,shloka no.59 page no.407.
15.Bhavprakasha Nighntu (Indian material medica) of sri Bahvamishra English commentary by Prof.D.Shanthkumar Lucas Forword by padamashree Prof.K.C.Chunekar,Chaukhambha Vishvabharati Varanasi,edi 2017, haritkyadi vargah,shloka no.18,19,page no.38(samudraphena)
16. Shrikantha Murthy K.R. Sushruta Samhita (English Translation),Vol III, Uttarasthana Chp.18/54,Chaukhamabha Orientalia,Varanasi 2017