Correspondence Address:
DR. DHANSHREE PUNDLIKRAO BHAMODE BAMS, MD (Kayachikitsa) Assistant Professor, Department of Rognidan and Vikruti vigyan, Shri R. T. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Akola, Maharashtra, India Contact No. 9890978563 Email-
Date of Acceptance: 2024-06-26
Date of Publication:2024-07-05
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest: None declared
How To Cite This Article: Bhamode D.P. The Role of Rasayana Therapy in the Prevention of Diseases. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(6):26-36 DOI:
Introduction: Ayurveda is also frequently referred as 'Ashtanga Ayurveda' and Rasayana chikitsa are the part of it. Rasayana tantra is a specialized branch of Ayurveda that primarily centers on preserving and enhancing health by revitalizing metabolism and boosting immunity. It is essentially a therapeutic approach designed to address both aging (jara) and diseases (Vyadhi), categorized into two types: swasthasya urjaskara and arthasya roganut. They are also the best at promoting the growth and correct sustenance of all seven tissues (Dhatus). It denotes the significance of this particular branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda in treatment. Ayurveda's goals are to treat the Aatura (diseased person) and maintain Swasthya (health). Rasayana's practical application at both levels aids in achieving the goal. Rasayana aims to ensure not only a longer and healthier life but also mental well-being and resistance against various geriatric conditions and lifestyle-related disorders. Aims And Objectives: To explore the role of Rasayana therapy in prevention of disease. Materials and Method: Brihat - trayee with their commentaries, supportive text of contemporary science, references from internet and journal were appraisal for the study. Discussion: The proposed mechanisms of action, such as antioxidant, immunomodulators, adaptogenic, anabolic, nutritive, and neuroprotective effects, provide a bridge between traditional wisdom and modern scientific understanding. These mechanisms highlight the adaptability of Rasayana therapy to address various aspects of human health, making it a versatile and valuable component of Ayurvedic medicine. Conclusion: Rasayana chikitsa is described in Ayurveda as a way to prevent ageing and strengthen immunity (Vyadhishamaatva bala). Rasayana Chikitsa is also utilised for the disease's prophylactic, curative, and promotional elements.
Keywords: Rasayana, Dhatu, prevention, health, antioxidants.
Out of all eight branches, Jara or Rasayana, is the one that is most frequently utilize to promote strength, including Ojabala and immunity. Rasayana Chikitsa is a special branch of Ayurveda that promotes superior Dhatus characteristics and nutritional health, all of which contribute to a number of secondary benefits of Rasayana, including longer life spans. The word Rasayana (Rasa+Ayana) refers to nutrition and its transportation in the body. Rasa means nutrition and Ayana means microcellular channels for transportation, and hence Rasayana essentially means nutrition at the microcellular level. Also, the word Rasa stands for all the Dhatus, and Ayana (Vardhan) means nutrition or nourishment. Sharangadhara has advised that in each group of age, every person should take specific Rasayana for keeping healthy and fit. It should be kept in mind that Rasayana has a more preventive aspect than a curative one. Hence it is done after the treatment of disease to prevent recurrence of that disease or to nourish the tissues that have been damaged by the disease. It can also be done in absence of a disease to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Rasayanas come in various types, including Dravyabhuta, Adravyabhuta, kutipraveshika, Vatatapika, Shodhana Rasayana, Shamana Rasayana, Kamya Rasayana, Naimittika Rasayana, and Ajasrika Rasayana. The significance of a purification process, Shodhana, is underlined before Rasayana therapy,[1] as it is akin to cleaning a soiled cloth before dyeing it. Rasayanas serve diverse purposes, including disease treatment, prevention and the promotion of overall health. Rasayanas encompass a range of methods aimed at enhancing the quality of bodily tissues, known as prashasta dhatus.[2] These methods are especially beneficial for the primary tissues, or rasadi dhatus and are geared towards promoting longevity (ayu), strength (bala), intelligence (medha), disease recovery, and the prevention of premature aging (vayahasthapana). From Rasayana (promotive treatment), one attains excellent memory, freedom from disorders, youthful age, radiating lustre, pleasing colour, commanding voice, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, Influencing speech, respectability, reverential attitude and lovelines. [3] Rasayana (promotive treatment) means the way for attaining excellent Rasa (Dhatus). That process which facilitates optimum movement acquisition, assimilation and circulation of the essence of food or medicine to gain the above benefits is attained through Rasayana chikitsa. The benefits are focused attaining strength (balya), life giving (Jivaniya), bulk promoting (Brmhaniya) and stabilising the ageing process which is anti-ageing (Vayahsthapana) [4]. Rasayana treatment is also an answer to epidemics and acute onset of some diseases according to charaka [5]. The Rasayana medicines are believed to have aphrodisiac qualities as well. The concept of Rasayana may also extend to the next generation of human life through the birth of a healthy offspring immune to diseases as well as with the best genetic constitution or with less genetic aberration, as it nourishes the semen. Amalaki, Haritakyadi, Triphala, Chyavanaprasa are few out of the long list of Rasayana.
Our life style has become very hectic. This is due to over exertion – physical as well as mental, it increases stress. The timing of eating has become irregular due to change in the duties. Due to availability of various gadgets in the kitchen, use of television, mobile phones and computers has resulted in lack of exercise. Many people are becoming addicted to Alcohol, smoking, excessive sex, too much sleep and drugs, using stale foods with preservatives. This all leads to low dhatu bala, low ojas, vitiation of all doshas; resulting in – premature aging, fatigue, debility, inability to adopt to stress, recurrent illness and depression. It creates a need of Rasayana therapy for prevention of occurrence of lifestyle and systemic disorders and to maintain swasthya.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore the role of Rasayana therapy in prevention of disease.
According to Sharagdhara Samhita, all of us tend to loose certain characters and qualities of life during each stage of life,[13] and hence during every stage of life all persons must take Rasayana to protect these qualities.
A majority of the present day diseases are reported to be due to the shift in the balance of the pro-oxidant and the antioxidant homeostatic phenomenon in the body. Pro-oxidant conditions dominate either due to the increased generation of the free radicals caused by excessive oxidative stress of the present day life, or due to the poor scavenging/ quenching in the body caused by depletion of the dietary antioxidants (Schulz et al., 2000, Dringen, 2000). Antioxidants play significant role towards the delaying aging, prevention of disease and decreases risk of cancer. Ayurveda described various Rasayana drugs such as; Amla, Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Haridra, Tulasi, Rasona etc. which offers prompt antioxidant potentials. The Antioxidant activity of these Rasayana drugs are due to the presence of constituents such as; vitamin C, carotene, riboflavin, with anolide, tanins, gallic acid and polyphenols. It is believed that Rasayana drugs increases collagen fibrin synthesis, absorption of iron and levels of natural antioxidants; dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase therefore reduces risk of oxidative stress.[17] It is increasingly being realized that many of today's diseases are due to "oxidative stress" that results from an imbalance between formation and neutralization of free radicals. For most biological structures, free radicle damage is closely associated with oxidative damage. If free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them, a condition known as oxidative stress ensues. A role of oxidative stress has been postulated in many conditions, including atherosclerosis, inflammatory condition, certain cancers and the process of aging. Reduction of free radicals or decreasing their rate of production may delay aging. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron stealing reaction. They act as scavengers, helping to delay or inhibit cell and tissue damage. The free radicle theory of ageing implies that antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E will slow the process of ageing by preventing free radicals from oxidizing sensitive biological molecules or reducing the formation of free radicals. Rasayanas are rejuvenators, nutritional supplements and possess strong antioxidant activity. They also have antagonistic actions on the oxidative stressors.[18]
A substance that modifies the immune response or the functioning of the immune system e.g. by the stimulation of antibody formation or the inhibition of WBC activity. ( Rasayana aids in enhancing metabolism, digestion, and microcirculations, enabling the acquisition of all Dhatus' finest attributes. Rasayana works on the seven chakras, enhancing Oja, which strengthens the body's defense against illness. The body receives protection from this Oja in two ways: Specifically, through B lymphocytes, which fight bacterial and viral infections, and nonspecifically through neutrophils and monocytes. Humoral mediation by B lymphocytes results in the production of plasma cells and immunoglobin, which eliminates antigens. Majority of Rasayana medicines improve the functions of many different organs by obtaining Vyadhikshamatva, which has features that are appetizing, digesting, enhancing cognitive, antioxidant, adaptogenic, and immunomodulatory.[19]
‘Adaptogens’ are substances meant to put the organism into a state of non – specific heightened resistance in order to resist stresses and adapt to extraordinary challenges.
Adaptogens are a group of medically effective substances that normalize body functions, strengthen system and functions compromised by stress and have a protective effect against a wide variety of environmental emotional stresses. A drug with Rasayana quality can benefit the user in two distinct ways. In one hand, it can neutralize the negative effects of stress on physiology and restore homeostasis i.e. anti- stress effect and on the other hand, a long term administration of such drugs may enhance one’s own tolerance levels and thus keep the person to cope up with stress in a better way i.e. adaptogenic effect.
In the modern science cyto-protection is explained by the action of proteins. Proteins are present in body in two different fractions:- Tissue proteins, Plasma proteins. It is the tissue proteins which are responsible for forming different tissues and thus for the building up the body. Plasma proteins constitute globulins which are responsible for the body immunity. Rasayana drugs correct Dhatuvyapara thus lead to production and protection of tissue proteins. Hence it is responsible for building up of the body. It was well known to Ayurvedic physician that the delicate cellular machinery of the body suffers from trauma (stress) resulting in wear and tear of different body structure and deterioration of the functional capacity of human being. For cytoprotection, procedures of revitalization and rejuvenation were adopted to increase the power of resistance to disease. Hence Rasayana drugs acts as cyto-protective agents.
Ageing is a multifactorial, irreversible phenomenon regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. There are many causes of ageing like DNA damage free radicals, oxidative stress and shortening of telomere length. Telomeres are responsible for maintaining chromosomal stability. Maintenance of telomere length is regulated by telomerase enzyme. Telomeres shortening has been pointed to as the main factor that speeds up cell ageing and promotes degeneration processes. Rasayana may enhance telomerase activity in individuals and thereby delay the onset of ageing process. Ex: Amalaki Rasayana. The data indicate that the maintenance of telomere length is facilitated by an increase in telomerase activity upon Rasayana administration in aged individuals and Amalaki Rasayana may prevent the erosion of telomeres over a period of time in aged individuals to promote healthy ageing.[20]
‘Noos’ means mind and ‘tropein’ means turn. “Acting on the mind” i.e. capable of enhancing mental functions. Nootropics (cognition enhancers) are effective psychopharmacological agents, which are said to improve the higher integrative brain functions, such as memory, learning, understanding, thinking and the capacity for concentration. No specific mechanism is known. It is assumed that nootropics stimulate existing neural synapses to optimum performance and also for damaging influence, such as disturbances of the energy and neurotransmitter metabolism or ischemia induced damage.
Anabolism is defined as “the building up of complex chemical substances from smaller, simpler components”. (Tortora G.J 80pp Tortora, at 98pp) Anabolics are substances, which activate the anabolic metabolism. They promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein metabolism, thereby assist in general growth. The Brimhana effect of Rasayana agents though may not have equivalent term in the modern medical parlance, it can be equated with drugs producing anabolic effect. There is a hypothesis that Rasayana drugs shows its effect of rejuvenation by its ability to build up the worn out tissue and replenish the nutritional deficient states. Thus Rasayana drugs may augment the formation of body tissues (Dhatuvardhaka) by supplementing the anabolic metabolism.
Details of description are available about Rasayana in classical Ayurvedic treatises.
Rasayana improves the metabolic activities and results in best possible bio-transformation. Jara Chikitsa or Rasayana Chikitsa promotes rejuvenation in a healthy person and cures the disease of an unhealthy person. Rasayana is not a drug therapy but is a specialized procedure practised in the form of rejuvenative recipes, dietary regimen and special health promoting conduct and behaviour ie, Achara-Rasayana. Most of these Rasayanas can be used regularly as a food for maintaining balanced mental and physical health. They may be used either alone or along with other modalities of treatment as an adjuvant. These Rasayanas serve multifaceted purposes, addressing different aspects of health and well-being. Some are tailored to balance the nervous system, while others focus on rejuvenation, immunity enhancement, strength promotion, energy boosting or reproductive system fortification. The holistic approach of Rasayana therapy aligns with Ayurveda's fundamental goal of maintaining equilibrium in the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of human health. The significance of Rasayana therapy becomes more apparent when considering its impact on specific bodily functions. By strengthening the Dhatus, Rasayana not only promotes immunity but also aids in relieving various illnesses.
The extensive array of traditional Rasayanas reflects the richness of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. From Brahma Rasayana for longevity to Nagabala Rasayana stabilizing lifespan and Bhallataka Rasayana addressing Kapha disorders swiftly, each formulation caters to distinct health concerns. The proposed mechanisms of action, such as antioxidant, immunomodulatory, haemopoietic, adaptogenic, antiaging, anabolic, nutritive, and neuroprotective effects, provide a bridge between traditional wisdom and modern scientific understanding. These mechanisms highlight the adaptability of Rasayana therapy to address various aspects of human health, making it a versatile and valuable component of Ayurvedic medicine.
Literally means of 'Rasayana' is "the path of rasa", which aims to nourish, restore and balance the body functions or at achieving the maximum body's potential. Rasayana chikitsa provides a long, disease free and vigorous life to the person, who undergoes this therapy seriously, as it helps to bring life back to normal. Ayurveda gives an insight into what should the treatment aim at – the establishment of Dhatu Samya. Hence treatment of any disease would not be complete without using Rasayana. Antiageing as one of the focal areas of Rasayana, the discussion on controlling the biological clock of ageing through Rasayana opens up new areas for research. Unhealthy food, an imbalanced lifestyle, heightened mental stress, and physical exertion can lead to the premature degeneration of body tissues. To address this issue, as it can be challenging for people to fully embrace all ancient principles, incorporating dietary adjustments and following specific guidelines, Rasayana therapy can be employed to promote health, happiness, and reduce stress. Rasayana, a specialized branch of Ayurveda, focuses on enhancing overall well-being and preventing diseases.
Its judicious application can contribute to a decreased incidence of numerous health conditions, ultimately alleviating the burden on healthcare. The primary goal is to nourish, rejuvenate, and harmonize bodily functions, maximizing the body's potential. When used correctly, Rasayana therapy can facilitate a healthy and joyful long life. In essence, it aids in boosting ojas, which enhances shareerabala. With the rising prevalence of lifestyle and age-related disorders, Rasayanas play a pivotal role in prevention and promotion of individual health.