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Review Article

Year: 2024 |Volume: 5 | Issue: 08 |Pages: 15-19


About Author

Chavan S.1

1Assistant Professor, Panchakarma Department, Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Sneha R. Chavan Assistant Professor, Panchakarma Department, Jupiter Ayurveda Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Date of Acceptance: 2024-08-25

Date of Publication:2024-09-05


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Chavan S. Scientific Mechanism of Action About Panchakarma: Literature Review. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(8):15-19 DOI:


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science which was developed by the cumulative efforts of our ancient Rishis (re- searches). Ayurveda was adopted centuries back by civilizations to guide them to lead a happy and healthy life. It is better to call it a lifestyle guide. In past few centuries it was limited and considered as a primitive medical system. In recent few decades it has been revived and continuously progressing towards attaining its lost glory. Panchkarma presents a unique approach of Ayurveda with specially designed five procedures of internal purification of the body through the nearest possible route. Such purification allows the biological system to return to homeostasis & to rejuvenate rapidly & also facilitates the desired pharmaco-therapeutic effects of medicines administered thereafter. Panchkarma has a full therapy role as promotive, preventive & curative procedure. Revival of interest in Ayurveda has provided drift to medical tourism in the country. In this article attempt has been made to shed light on importance of panchkarma therapies according modern science.

Keywords: Panchkarma, vaman, Virechan, basti, nasya.


Scientific mechanism of action about Panchkarma includes how does panchkarma works in human body. Panchkarma known as detoxification of body generally but it’s not detoxification of body its bio purification of body, because Panchkarma is a cleansing process in which toxins and the unwanted substances expelling out from body, while detoxification is a process in which nullifying the toxins without expelling out. Diseases in Ayurveda are separated into two types: those that are treated or managed using Shodhan treatment and those that are treated surgically. Furthermore, it is suggested that in cases when surgery is needed, Shodhan or Panchkarma therapies be tried first, or if the patient is not physically fit for surgery or is unwilling to undertake the surgical operation. Similarly, Acharya stated that physicians should not recommend surgery for disorders that may be cured with Shodhan and Shaman treatments (conservative management). Diseases in Ayurveda are separated into two types: those that are treated or managed using Shodhan treatment and those that are treated surgically. Furthermore, it is suggested that in cases when surgery is needed, Shodhan or Panchkarma therapies be tried first, or if the patient is not physically fit for surgery or is unwilling to undertake the surgical operation. Similarly, Acharya stated that physicians should not recommend surgery for disorders that may be cured with Shodhan and Shaman treatments (conservative management).


A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms.


  • Refined vegetable and seed oil
  • A chemical named as BPA(Bisphenol-A) found in many plastic containers of many common food and beverages.
  • Trans fats
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): when red meat is smoked or grilled at high temperature, fat falls onto hot cooking surfaces and it produces volatile PAHs that can seep into the meat.
  • Incomplete burning of charcoal is also cause to form PAHs.
  • Added sugar








  • Toxins affects enzymes and it inhibits the production of Hb% in the blood
  • Toxins affects minerals due to it bones become weak
  • Toxins damage organs such as liver, kidney due to it they are unable to detox properly.
  • Toxins damage DNA, due to it rate of aging and degeneration increases.
  • Toxins inhibits and block hormones

Therefore, removal of waste is essential and its effectively done by Panchkarma Therapy

(Bio purification)

Panchakarma is a collection of five purification procedures: Five purificatory therapies as told by Ayurvedic ancient Acharya are:

  1. Vaman (Emesis therapy)

Ayurvedic treatment involves therapeutic vomiting, or vamana, to clear the kapha that is generating the excess mucus. This frequently releases repressed emotions that have been stored in the kapha zones of the lungs and stomach, in addition to the accumulated dosha. The patient will feel rapid relief after the mucus has been evacuated. Congestion, wheezing, and shortness of breath are likely to diminish, and the sinuses will clear out. persistent asthma, diabetes, the common cold, lymphatic congestion, persistent dyspepsia, and edema are all conditions that may benefit from therapeutic vomiting. Resting, fasting, smoking particular herbal cigarettes, and not suppressing natural needs (e.g., urine, feces, gas, sneezing, coughing) are all suggested following vamana. If vamana is provided correctly, the user should experience relaxation in the lungs, be able to breathe easily, have lightness in the chest, clear thinking, a clear voice, a good appetite, and all congestion symptoms subside.

  1. Virechan (Purgation therapy)

When extra bile, pitta, is released and accumulates in the gall bladder, liver, and small intestine, it causes rashes, skin inflammation, acne, persistent fever, biliary vomiting, nausea, and jaundice. In certain cases, Ayurvedic literature recommends using therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative. Purgatives aid to relieve the excess pitta that causes bile disturbances in the body. In fact, purgatives can totally alleviate the symptoms of excess pitta. When using purgatives, the patient should not eat foods that exacerbate the prevailing humor or cause the three humors to become imbalanced.

  1. Basti (Enema therapy)

Vata is an extremely active principle in pathogenesis (disease). If we can regulate vata with basti, we will have gone a long way toward addressing the underlying cause of the great majority of ailments. Vata is the primary cause of disease manifestation. It is the driving force behind the elimination and storage of feces, urine, bile, and other excreta. Vata is primarily situated in the large intestine, although it can also be found in bone tissue (asthi dhatu). As a result, rectally given medications have an influence on asthi dhatu. The mucus membrane of the colon is linked to the outer covering of the bones (periosteum), which nourishes them. Therefore, any medication given rectally penetrates into the deeper tissues, such as bones and corrects Vata disorders.

  1. Nasya (Instillation of medicine through nostrils)

The nose serves as both the brain's and consciousness's doorway. Nasya is the term used to describe medication administered via the nose. An excess of body humors accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose, or head areas is evacuated through the nose, which is the nearest feasible entrance. Prana, or life power in the form of nerve energy, enters the body through the nose. Prana is located in the brain and controls sensory and motor activities. Prana also governs thinking, memory, focus, and intellectual functions. Deranged prana impairs the functioning of all these activities, resulting in headaches, convulsions, memory loss, and impaired sensory perception. Thus, nasal administration, or nasya, is useful for prana problems, sinus congestion, migraine headaches, convulsions, and various ocular & ear problems

  1. Raktamokshan (Bloodletting therapy)

Toxins found in the gastrointestinal system are absorbed by the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. Toxemia is the underlying cause of recurring infections, hypertension, and other circulatory disorders. This includes repeated bouts of skin problems such urticaria, rashes, herpes, eczema, acne, scabies, leukoderma, chronic itching, and hives. In such cases, in addition to internal treatment, toxins must be eliminated and the blood purified. Rakta moksha is also recommended for cases of enlarged liver, spleen, and gout. Pitta is derived from destroyed red blood cells in the liver. Pitta and blood have an extremely intimate association. An increase in pitta may enter the bloodstream, producing toxicity and resulting in numerous pitta-genic diseases. Extracting a tiny bit of blood from a vein lowers the stress caused by pitta-genic toxins in the blood. Leeches were employed as an alternative to bloodletting. Bloodletting also causes the spleen to create anti-toxic chemicals, which serve to stimulate the immune system. Toxins are neutralized, allowing for drastic cures in a variety of blood-borne illnesses. Sugar, salt, yogurt, sour foods, and alcohol are all hazardous to the bloodstream. Certain chemicals should be avoided in order to maintain the blood pure. Other than bloodletting, there are blood-purifying treatments for rakta moksha that include herbs, gem therapy, and color water therapy. It is best to avoid yogurt, salt, sugar, alcohol, marijuana, sour and fermented foods when undergoing rakta moksha treatment or any other alternative treatment.


In the current era, human beings are more exposed to acute and chronic poisoning in the form of toxins, such as synthetic foods, pesticides, chemical preservations etc. So now there is need of Panchkarma(Bio purification) at least twice a year to purify the body from the harmful substances.

  • Bio purification process makes the biological system to return normal and to rejuvenate rapidly. At the same time, it also facilitates the desired pharm kinetic efforts of therapeutic remedies administrated thereafter.
  • It eliminates toxins and stagnated excreta and metabolites from the body
  • Bio-Purification also cleanses macro and micro channels. It maximises the absorption and metabolism of nutrients and drugs and minimises their dose and toxicity.


The primary goal of health science is to give greater health to all humans. The Indian school of medicine known as Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to sickness and treats it without hurting other sections of the body.

At the same time, it is useful in preventing an individual from contracting sickness in the future.


  1. Essentials of Practical Panchakarma Therapy, Dr.  Vasant C.  Patil,   

PublisherChaukhambha Publication, Edition- First,2015 Page no.01. 

  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika commenetary by Chakrapanidatta,   

Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, editor, New Delhi, Rastriya Samskrit  Samsasthan,  Chikitsa  Sthana, 2006; 21(98-100): 569.

  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta, edited by Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukambha Sanskrit series, Siddi Sthana, 2006; 2(10): 569.
  2. Astangahridayam of Vaghabhat Sutra Sathan.  Chaukhambha Prakashan5 July-Sept. 2021|Vol. 05th Issue: 3rd E- ISSN: 2456-4435     pg.  5       EditionReprint, 2009, Chapter 14, page no 136.
  3. Astangahridayam of Vaghabhat Sutra Sathan.  Chaukhambha Prakashan. EditionReprint, 2009, Chapter 14, page no 136.
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