Correspondence Address:
Dr. Mrunal Ashay Jamdade Asst. Professor (Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga), S C Mutha Aryangla Vaidyak Mahavidyalaya, Satara, Maharashtra, India. Mobile no – 8691923339 Email ID –
Date of Acceptance: 2024-11-26
Date of Publication:2024-12-10
Source of Support: Nill
Conflict of Interest:
How To Cite This Article: Jamdade M.A. An observational study of Neurosis patients with special reference Strotas Dushti Lakshanas mentioned in Charaka Samhita. Int J Ind Med 2024;5(11):12-18 DOI:
A poor ability to adapt to one's environment, an inability to change one's life patterns is called as Neurosis. Neurosis refers to condition characterized by physical and mental disturbance. Certain mental and physical disturbances and inner struggles characterize neurosis. Stress is main reason for it. Persistent stress affects body and mind resulting in Strotas dushti. In Ayurveda, Rasavaha and Manovaha strotas dushti lakshan are mentioned in Charak Samhita [1]. Observational study of 38 anxiety neurosis patients has showed that sign and symptoms seen in Anxiety neurosis patients are similar to these Strotas Dushti Lakshanas.
Keywords: Neurosis, Strotas.
Neurosis is physio - psychological disorder that interferes with quality of life without disturbing individual’s perception to reality. Psychosis on the other hand, is psychological disorder affecting individual’s perception to reality and it interferes with their ability to function in a social context [2]. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is associated with depression and anxiety. According to Ayurveda, Hruday and Dash Dhamanya are Rasa vaha strotas sthan. Also, sthan of Man (mind) is Hruday. Dushti lakshanas of Rasa vaha strotas are similar to anxiety neurosis disease [3]. This will definitely help in treating such psychological disorders with Ayurvedic perspective. Today it is becoming need of time to establish parallel line of treatment along with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), as no of neurosis patients are increasing day by day. Lack of awareness or acceptance results in many health issues affecting working efficiency too [4].
Aim and Objectives-
Aim- Aim of the study is to evaluate similarities between sign and symptoms of Neurosis patients to Rasavaha and Manovaha strotas dushti lakshanas with observational study.
Objectives- Objectives of the study were
Material and Method-
Study is conducted as follows-
Causes – Stress is one of the main reasons [5].
Feature - Tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, Shivering -twitching over the body, Muscular tension or weakness, Forgetfulness, Insomnia or intrrupted sleep, Pain in the intestine, General depression, Poor concentration, no appetite, Tremors, Dream of physical torture, feels inadequate to meet any Emergency, afraid of committing any mistakes, Irritability, morbid fear, low self-esteem etc [6].
This study has been carried out as follows –
Name- Occupation-
Age- Address-
Please fill following questionnaire completely. Put a check in the space to the right that describes how much that symptom/problem has bothered you during the past two weeks.
0=not present 1=sometimes present 2=moderately present
3=always present but can tolerate 4=always present and difficult to tolerate
In present study, Bhay Prachiti, Swapna Prachiti and Low self-esteem these three symptoms which are not given in Rasavaha strotas dusthi lakshana and can be correlated to Manovaha strotas. But they are not dushti lakshana. Increased Raj and Tam Guna of Manas is the reason for these lakshana.
Result –
Future scope for the study-