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Assistant Professor – Agadtantra Dept. KJIAR, Savali, Vadodara, Gujarat Email id -
Date of Acceptance: 2020-06-18
Date of Publication:2020-07-03
Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil
How To Cite This Article: Lanjekar Sadaf. A review of mercury and its toxicity and safety regarding Agadtantra. Int. J Ind. Med. 2020;1(3):102-107
In Ayurveda many herbal products were extensively used in classic age in all branches of Ayurveda. Metals and mineral preparation also used but they have toxicity. In India, there are many metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, etc, used in various diseases. Parada is also one of them Parada is liquid, silvery metal which dissolved other metal and in Shuddha form it is used in many herbo-mineral preparation. Bhasma is also used as a medicine but in Ashodit form it causeses toxicity as maintained in Rasagranths.
Shuddh form prepares Rasayogs and Ashodhit form causes toxicity. This article complies all information regarding Parada, appearance, historical view, fatal dose, fatal period, sign, symptoms of its toxicity, management, post-martom appearance, medico-legal aspects regarding Agadtantra.
Keywords: Parada, Parada Toxicity & Safety, Management, Medico legal aspect
Parada is called as Rasa. It is the physical essence of Lord Shiva. It is one of the pure and auspicious metal having extensive healing properties, spiritual and religious importance also. In ayurveda there is branch called as Rasashastra where minerals and metals are used to prepare herbo-mineral combination all among that Parada got maximum importance. In Rasa Ratna Sammucchay states that “Siddhe Rase Karishyami”. Parada in its Ashodhita form causes many symptoms such as vomiting, belching, Kushta, boils but in Shodhita form it works excellent in many disease like hyper tension, asthama, in sexual ability. Most of the medicine prepared from Parada after its Samanya and Vishesh Shodhan. It is considered that Parada is Shiva Veerya. According to reference available in Rasa classical text, initially Parada was used for Lohavad (a process of converting lower material into higher one), but as time passed it used for Dehvad (treating diseases) was brought into picture and was successfully seen thus evolved its used into treatment. The form of Parada used indicates its toxicity and utility. In Rasashastra maximum time, Parada used alongwith sulphur thus forms Parada Sulphide which is safest.
Ayurvedic View Of Parada:
This Parada of 5 types viz-viz Rasa, Rasendra, Suta, Parada, Mishrak
Ayurvedic and therapeutic Properties of Parada:
Parada Doshas:
There are mainly 3 types of doshas.
Parada and its toxicity are very well known to ayurveda from Nagarjun Kala. Vomiting, Belching, Restlessness, Excessive thrist, Kushta (leprosy), Boils, Increase body temperature, Death. These are some long term hazards Parada Yog are already mentioned in Rasagranthas.
Modern View: (2)
Mercury was found in Egyptian tomb from 1500 BC. This is available in three forms i.e.
Mercury exposures occur chiefly through inhalation via occupational and dental amalgam (3).
Action: (4)
Absorption And Excretion: (4)
It is absorbed through GIT & respiratory tract. After absorption mercury get deposited in all tissue, liver, kidneys, spleen and bones inhalation absorption in brain. It is excreted through kidney via urine, liver via bile, colonic mucous membrane via faces.
Acute Poisoinig: (4)
Signs and Symptoms:
First Phase: Acrid metallic taste and feeling of constriction in throat, hoarseness of voice, mouth, tongue and faces become corroded and swollen and appears grayish white, burning sensation from mouth to stomach, nausea, vomiting sometime associated with blood. This is followed by diarrhea with blood stained stools and tenesmus. Circulatory collapse occurred soon. Inhalation of fumes produces nervous symptoms. E.g. Ataxia, restriction of visual field, paresis and delirium.
Second Phase:
If the patient survives, second phase begins in one to 3 days. Glossitis and gingivitis appear within 24 to 36 hours. Severe infection, loosening of teeth and necrosis of the jaw occur on 2 to 3 days renal tubules shows necrosis and produce transit polyuria, albuminuria, cylindruria, uraemia and acidosis. Recovery may occurs within 10 to 14 days. After many days membranous colitis develops and produces dysentery.
1. Kawasaki Disease (4)
Signs of first stage includes high fever (above 104 deg. F), rash / peeling of skin, swelling and redness in hands and bottoms of feet, red eyes, swollen glands especially neck, swollen, bright red strawberry tongue.
In second stage symptoms like joint pain, belly pain, stomach trouble such as diarrhea and vomiting occurred.
Fatal Dose: (4)
Fatal Period: (4) 3 – 5 days
1. Kawasaki Disease (4)
Signs of first stage includes high fever (above 104 deg. F), rash / peeling of skin, swelling and redness in hands and bottoms of feet, red eyes, swollen glands especially neck, swollen, bright red strawberry tongue.
In second stage symptoms like joint pain, belly pain, stomach trouble such as diarrhea and vomiting occurred.
Fatal Dose: (4)
Fatal Period: (4) 3 – 5 days
Diagnosis: (4)
Acute mercury poisoning can be detected by measuring blood levels, whereas urine and hair analysis help confirming chronic exposure. Urine and blood mercury levels assessed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Mercury concentration of hair are best assessed by neutron activation.
Treatment: (4)
Postmortem Findings: (3)
2. Chronic Poisoning (Hydrargyrism): (3)
This may result from:
Signs And Symptoms: (3)
Symptoms Like Salivation, inflammation of gums and occasionally a blue line at their junction with teeth, gastrointestinal disturbance, anaemia, anorexia, loss of weight and chronic inflammation of kidney with progressive uraemia.
Special Features / Deasease:
Danbury Tremors:(4) Tremurs occurs first in the hands then progress to lips and tongue and finally involve arms and legs. Tremurs is moderately coarse and jerky moment.
Hatter’s Shakes: (4) The advanced conditions of tremurs are called as a hatters or glass blower shakes. They are common in persons working in glass blowing and hat Indusrty. The patient becomes unable to trace himself.
Concussia Tremurs: (4) This is most severe condition of tremor that patient is unable to do daily activity and no moment.
Mercurial Erethism: (4) Seen in the person’s working in with mercury in mirror manufacturing firms. This term is used to refer to psychological effect of Mercury toxicity. These include anxity, depression, shyness, timidity, irritability, loss of confidence, mental depression, delusions and halusinations or suicidal melan cholia or manic depressive psychosis, emotional instability loss of memory and insomnia.
Mercurialentis: (4) Is a peculiar eye change due to exposure to the vapor of mercury. It is due to brownish deposit of mercury through the cornea on anterior lens capsule. It is bilateral and no effect on visual activities.
Acrodynia or Pink Disease: (4) Characterize by a generalized body rash is thought to be an idiosyncratic hypersensitivity reaction particularly seen in children .This can be caused by chronic mercury exposure in any form. The onset is insidious with anorexia, insomnia, sweating, skin rash and photophobia, hands and feet become puffy, pinkish, painful, parasthetic with peeling of skin, teeth may be shed.
Minimata Disease(4): It is a type of organic mercurial poisoning due to eating of fish poisoned by mercury. This disease occurred as a disaster in Japan in 1956 by eating contaminated fish from mini-mata bay.
Treatment: (4)
Post Mortem Finding:
Medico Legal Aspect: (5)
The toxicity of mercury (acute & chronic) has being increased all over world including India. The main sources of exposure of mercury are industrial process; elemental mercury source & ayurveda drug manufacturing contain mercury which causes emission of mercury?. It may be poorer mercuryin metallic state not produced toxicity but the toxic compounds like Hgs, HgO, HgCl2, HgI2 produces toxicity in human being. Acute toxicity causes constriction and burning of food passage, vomitting, diarrhea and circulatory collapsed. Later on glossitis, gingivitis, uraemia and acidosis kawasaki feature appears as special symptom. Acute poisoning is detected by mercury levels in blood. After detection treatment as gastric lavage with 5% sodium formaldehyde sulfoxinate, protein diet and chelating therapy with BAL & Penicillamine given.
Danbury tremers, Hatter’s shake,concussia tremers, mercurial Erethism, Mercurialentis, Acrodynia, Minimata are the specific signs of chronic cumulative toxicity of mercury while symptoms like teeth blue line, gastrointestinal disturbance, Anemia, Anorexia, uremia are the nonspecific signs that found. Confirmation done by evaluating the mercury level in hair, blood and urine. After confirmation patient should be subjected to induce emesis, purgation and chelaten therapy with D-Penicillamine/BAL/DMPS/DMAS.
In post mortem of Acute poisoning GIT inflammation, congestion, coagulation and necrosis of large intenstine is seen. Glomerulonephritis in kidneys, congestion in liver and endocardial heammorrhage found in heart. While in chronic poisoning erosion of oral mucosa, Blue line pigmentation on teeth found externally and cerebral infraction, pneumonia, renal cortical necrosis observed internally.
Parada or mercury is a heavy liquid metal which is found in combined form. The minute part of mercury is consumed by everyone as a medicine but when this mercury is consumed in impure form it causes many disease as we mentioned above but various Sanskar (Ashta, Astadasha) conducted on it render its poison less and hence used in various Ayurvedic preparations. However many uses of mercury face out by modern scientist and are under review.