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Review Article

Year: 2020 |Volume: 1 | Issue: 5 |Pages: 199-202

Mutra Pariksha – An Ancient Ayurvedic Method of Urine Examination

About Author

Shantibhushan R Handur1

1Professor & HOD Department of Samhita – Siddhanta, SSRAMC & H Inchal, Ta- Savadatti Dist- Belagavi. India

Correspondence Address:

Dr. Shantibhushan R Handur, Professor & HOD Department of Samhita – Siddhanta SSRAMC & H Inchal, Ta- Savadatti Dist- Belagavi EMAIL ID: Mobile no. 9620979380

Date of Acceptance: 2020-09-02

Date of Publication:2020-08-20


Source of Support: nil

Conflict of Interest: nil

How To Cite This Article: Shantibhushan R Handur. Mutra Pariksha – An Ancient Ayurvedic Method of Urine Examination. Int. J Ind. Med. 2020;1(5):199-202


 Mutra is important waste product of the body and its examination yields valuable information for the diagnosis and prognosis of the diseases and also health. Ayurveda consider mutra as mala of Ahara. Mutra pariksha – Taila bindu pariksha is a diagnostic tool of urine examination developed by the medieval ayurvedic scholars and throw a light on the prognosis of the disease condition. Utilization of such diagnostic tools helps the Physician to rule out exact diseased condition and stage to give proper treatment. In Ayurveda our acharyas mentioned that first we must diagnose the disease and later give the treatment. Hence such pariksha helps the physician to access properly treatment and plan accordingly. This article is aimed at using this ancient wisdom to study the diseases by Mutra Pariksha.

Keywords: Mutra Pariksha, Taila bindu, Urine, Diagnosis, Prognosis.


Mutra is the important waste product of the body for determination of both Health and ill Health. Mutra pariksha has been given special attention in some texts like Yogaratnakara, Basavarajiyam, Chikitsa sara etc. Ayurveda explains the concept of formation of Mutra as an outcome of the digested food and the seat of its production is Pakvashaya. The food is stated to be separated in to two parts as sarabhaga and kitta bhaga. The kitta is comprises of solid and liquids. The liquid portion which is absorbed, circulated and finally carried to Vikkras and eliminated from the body as Mutra. Examination of color, appearance, consistency of such produced Mutra special technique was developed to diagnose the disease condition by Ayurveda scholars.

Collection of Mutra:

 The patient should be asked to collect urine in  the morning around 5 clock either in a clean oval shaped open earthen pot or clean vessel. This should be maintained stable condition, clearly and carefully examined during sunrise.

Examination method of Mutra:

1. Darshana – Examination for determining the Varna (color), sandrata

( constience),samyoga (Admixture)and Taila bindu gati(spread of oil drop poured in urine).

2. Sparsana – The examiner dips finger in to the specimen to detect qualities like Sita(cold), ushna(hot), Snigdha (greasy), Pichila(slimmy).

3. Gandha – The normal and abnormal smell of the urine to be examined.

4. Rasana- It is usually not done directly. In ancient times the physicians used to observe the swarming of flies, ants and other insects to the urinepot or the place where the patient has urinated.

5. Taila bindu pariksha


Udakameha, Manasika udwega, Atijalapana, vatavyadhis, Yoshapasmara.

2.Pita/ Haridra

Pitta vruddi, Jwara,Kamala, Pittaja prameha like haridra meha, Amavata, Raktapitta

3.  Shukla

Kaphaja prameha such as pistameha,siktameha, majja roga.


Sannipataja jwara, vrukka sopha, kalameha

5. Kala harita

Raktaja rogas, Arista lakshana

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Table no. 1 Vaivarnya of Mutra (Discoloration of Urine)


Udakameha, Manasika udwega, Atijalapana, vatavyadhis, Yoshapasmara.

2.Pita/ Haridra

Pitta vruddi, Jwara,Kamala, Pittaja prameha like haridra meha, Amavata, Raktapitta

3.  Shukla

Kaphaja prameha such as pistameha,siktameha, majja roga.


Sannipataja jwara, vrukka sopha, kalameha

5. Kala harita

Raktaja rogas, Arista lakshana

     Table no. 2 Gandha Vikruti


Udaka meha

2.Amla gandha

Nila meha

3. Madhu gandha


4.Visra gandha

Meda kshaya, Prameha

5.Basta gandha

Ashmari purva rupa

6.Puti gandha

Ashmari, vrukka roga

7.Madhura gandha

Arista Lakshana

table no. 3 Sparsha gunas:


Kapha vruddi, Kaphaja prameha, Arista lakshana


Pitta vruddi , Pittaja prameha, Tikshna vega jwara


Kapha vruddi, Udara roga


Vata vruddi, Ksaudra meha


table no. 4 Gati and Akruti

Gati(Mode of spread)



1.Floats like a boat

Resembles a snake length wise

Vata vruddi

2.Bubbles appear , spilts in to small drops

Assumes the shape of umbrella or ring

Pitta vruddi

3. Stays like pearl

Resembles like seive

Kapha vruddi

4. No spread at all


Sannipataja vruddi

5.South ward spread

Resembles a man with two heads

Bhuta dosha

6. Slow or rapid spread towards East , West or North

Resembles lotus flower, jasmine, conch, swan, gaja, vrushaba

Sadhya Lakshana

7. Spreads towards Dakshina , agneya, nairutya, vayavya, ishanya

Sinks in urine , moves without spreading

Asadhya Lakshana

Taila bindu Pariksha:

This is the method of urine examination which is claimed to be of great value in determining the condition of the doshas, diagnosis and prognosis of the diseases.


A small quantity of urine is taken in a broad glass vessel and kept undisturbed in a place free from breeze and other kinds of disturbing factors. A moderate sized drop of Tila taila is taken with a stick and allowed to fall on the surface of the urine from a height of two to three inches, gently without disturbing the urine. The fate of the oil drop is carefully observed for its spread and assuming different shapes etc.


In today’s modern medical practices, there is plethora of urina (Mutra) diagnostic procedures available. It may be  burden to the patients financily. Mutra pariksha which is mentioned by Ayurveda Scholars will not only prove economical, but also is a time positive tested and scientific proven method.  More in depth study needed to be done to standardize the procedure and make it more scientifically acceptable.



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